Biden leads in Michigan by 0.2% with 94% counted! If things remain the same in Michigan, Wisconsin (95%) and Nevada (67%), Biden will be the next president of the United States of America!
Etiam si omnes, ego non
Thanks Redebreck.
I haven't found anyone yet. I may have to ask/pay a family member, but they are likely to say no for a number of reasons. Failing that the only other person may be someone I have a few words with every now and then on one of my rare excursions outside my front door, but I doubt they'll say yes, even though they will also need to be paid.
As for Facebook, I've never had an account, never mind that there are zero local organizations in my area to help people like me, never mind some kind of online forum.
"Send me your bank details and I'll pay for ......". I've never had someone make me that kind of offer before, and certainly not online/via e-mail.
It's not the taxi that's the problem, it's the fact that I will be having an anesthetic, and as a result they won't go ahead with the procedure unless I can get someone to pick me up, take me home, and monitor me for the next 24 hours. The travel arrangements are the 'important' part as I certainly won't be having anyone to look after me post procedure, but then again if something does happen to me no-one will miss me, and it might actually do me a favour.
I don't have a GP as such. The one I had (the only decent one) left around 7-12 months ago. Unfortunately I've had serious issues with virtually every one of the others at my surgery that I've had dealings with. I need to get in touch with one that sent me a message recently, but even though there are some v.v.serious issues that I need to get sorted asap (the reason why I may end up divulging my 'situation' on here in the next couple of months), I haven't got back to her as I've simply not been up to it. As I've said numerous times, I find doing even the most basic of things very difficult/nigh on impossible a lot of the time e.g. I just had to pick up some medication (hence why my CL predictions were posted right on kick-off), and even though it's basically 'door-to'door' for me, I will suffer as a result for the next day or two at least.