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Thread: Who Hates Mo..?

  1. #111
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    Offender Of The Offended...!!

    It`s Better To Reign In Hell, Than Serve In Heaven!

  2. #112
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  3. #113
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    You should know...
    Offender Of The Offended...!!

    It`s Better To Reign In Hell, Than Serve In Heaven!

  4. #114
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  5. #115
    Join Date
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    Fit nicely in the top left pocket.

  6. #116
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    You've figured out how to use google? Impressive, Steveo! Wasn't sure you had it in you.

    You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with judging people by where they come from for some reason. Furthermore, you tend to talk about the person making the statement rather than the statement itself during a discussion... tend to retreat to that sort of ad hominem when you've backed yourself into a corner due to your inability to read... fairly certain there's a word for that... just can't quite put my finger on what it was.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Oh behave you big jessie. You talk literally more bollox than anyone I have had the misfortune to encounter on a forum. First you insult me personally when there was no need - then the moment I dare suggest you are a wannabe German - which you clearly are - of Bulgarian 'Bulgar' extraction - you call it Xenophobic and - get this racist.. Then proclaiming a falsehood that Bulgar is a wrong term - when it is not. Also. - I didn't know the Bulgars were a separate race - nor the Germans for that matter all of whom are people some who are decent - some who are not and others - like you who are total pricks.

    I had a joke with Justin and immediately you chime in with your new favourite term by way of picture - a Dog whistle.. Pathetic but bang on form for a fool.
    Last edited by Steveo; 5th November 2020 at 10:53 AM.

  8. #118
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Awww, does calling out your xenophobic dog whistling make you angry? Does it infuriate you how transparent it is that you're desperately trying to find something actually insulting to say to me so that we don't talk about your inability to have a civil conversation online? Do you feel yourself filling up with white hot rage at the thought of saying "Hey, what did you mean when you said X?" or, Heaven forbid, actually reading how the other person already clarified their statement, instead of being a snide cunt?

    Tsk, tsk, tsk - those emotions aren't healthy, Steveo - you should let that stuff go. "Internet points" is just a term we young people use to describe something you can't actually exchange for cash at the local bank, though I can see why the word might be confusing for you.

    Jumping on typos - check
    Name calling - triple check from both of us
    Xenophobic dog whistling about my homeland - check...?
    Xenophobic dog whistling about my homeland while insinuating we're nazis... check...?
    Xenophobic dog whistling about my homeland while insinuating we're nazis and I'd like to replace my cultural heritage with that of another country... (wow, you're getting pretty specific)... check...?

    Boy, you go from 0 to 100 real quick.

    Wannabe German, Bulgar, Fool... what's next on the checklist of things you want to try to rile me up with in vain? Pedophile? Rapist? Murderer? Oh oh, I know - horselover! I'm sure you can find that on the wiki page of my homeland, of which you seem so fond recently. How far back did you get? I guess it's taking a while since reading seems to be such an issue for you, though by the looks of things you've managed to cover the second half of the XX century at least (I hope you didn't just jump to WW2!)... better progress than I expected from you really. You could try - should let you chew through those pesky historical facts a bit more quickly.

    And now we wait for him to find another reason why he just couldn't read two posts after foaming at the mouth that I dared suggest Jota might not be quite as quick as Manè or Salah. Tsk, tsk, quite the pickle your stubbornness has got you into, it seems.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  9. #119
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Unfortunately you are just proving how uneducated you really are - even regarding the nation of your birth.

    Instead of user edited claptrap why don't we use a more exacting standard like

    Bulgar people

    The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

    Alternative Title: Bulgar
    Bulgar, also called Bulgarian, member of a people known in eastern European history during the Middle Ages. A branch of this people was one of the primary three ethnic ancestors of modern Bulgarians (the other two were Thracians and Slavs).

    Although many scholars, including linguists, had posited that the Bulgars were derived from a Turkic tribe of Central Asia (perhaps with Iranian elements), modern genetic research points to an affiliation with western Eurasian and European populations. Early Bulgars inhabited the European steppe west of the Volga River from about 370 CE. Retreating with the Huns, they resettled about 460 in an arc of country north and east of the Sea of Azov. Hired by the Byzantines in 480 to fight against the Ostrogoths, the Bulgars subsequently became attracted by the wealth of the Byzantine Empire. In the 6th century the Bulgars continually attacked the Danubian provinces of the Byzantine Empire until, in the 560s, they were themselves threatened by the Avars, who were then advancing from Asia into central Europe. The Avars destroyed one Bulgar tribe, but the rest saved themselves by submitting, for two decades, to another horde of Turkic newcomers, most of whom then retreated back into Asia.

    You said you were from the plains so Bulgar seemed apt.

    Either way it is YOU who have chosen to see it as a negative - seemingly due to some sense of shame or embarrassment entirely on your side.

    I post a reasonable and uncontentious comment in response to the below:

    Originally Posted by Balinkay

    I used to play as a defender in the thournaments we entered - usually between five and nine a side. Was somewhat versatile though - have been used on the wing, in DM and even as a false nine on occasion.

    My preferred positions are still as a ball carrying defender with an onus on long passing or as a DM, screening in front of the defence and thundering them in from range. Must be said that I'm a pretty small and physically weak guy, so I have to have a bigger stronger defender next to me though. Where did you used to / do you play?

    I don't see how me not thinking Jota is particularly quick has anything to do with how creative I am / used to be on a pitch. David Silva's pretty slow but was still one of the most creative players the PL has ever seen. Not to mention all the registas of the near past.

    Edit: My overall view on football is that it should be practiced efficiently and scientifically. Don't particularly like unnecessary showboating or a heavy onus on pure entertainment.


    1. I wouldn't expect you to.

    2. Our views on football are polar opposites. Also playing efficiently isn't the only option out side of unnecessary showboating..

    I used to be an out and out striker - played a lot on both wings too - nowadays play a bit deeper but only because the legs have gone.

    Then in response and with no provocation you come with 4 direct insults

    1. making a dick of yourself again
    2. reading is for chumps
    3. you were talking horseshite again
    4. you forgot how to read

    And here is my outrageous response - which offended you so much poor little delicate Bali..

    Chill out Bali - go have a 4 knuckle shuffle or something. The only person chatting shite - as per usual - is the daft wanna be German Bulgar who thinks he understands English but clearly doesn't get the nuance all the time.

    Offending words over the entire diatribe



    You also make another erroneous claim - Twisting the truth in portraying that I responded to "Jota might not be quite as quick as Manè or Salah" when it was not - it was to this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Tbf I don't think Jota's all that pacy either, though ti might be just his nonchalace that makes it look that way.

    My advice is: Do not be ashamed of who you are, where you come from or try to be something you are not. AND - if you are going to hurl insults for no justifiable reason - have the decency to take them back like an adult.
    Last edited by Steveo; 5th November 2020 at 12:10 PM.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    On the next episode of "Steveo can't read!" we have:

    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    [...] He's trying to wind me up by purposely not using the proper demonym form my country. [...]
    translates to: "Bali thinks Bulgar is a bad word and Bulgars have nothing to do with the country of Bulgaria" in his pea-sized head! Or whatever you seem to be trying to disprove by quoting that source.

    Swing and a miss. Wanna try again? I mean it's not as if I've put it there in plain text for you to read, is it? Oh wait...


    As for your edit - yeah... I know that's what you were replying to. That's the whole point of this, you lovable so-and-so. Well besides your closeted xenophobia and overall dickishness. That's why I've been saying you can't read:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    He's no usain bolt but didn't you see his goals last night? certainly has some pace, had the beating of them defenders, firmino wouldn't be able to do that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Oh yeah, defo - just not on the same level as Manè or Salah.
    I wasn't super clear in the post to which you replied, so Kev asked me about it. I explained what I meant. Before your first post. I pointed this misunderstanding out to you in the beginning of our discussion yesterday. More than once. Marked with a %%%%%% symbol in the following posts. But you failed to read / respond to that and just carried on being a huge cryptic dick. Like you usually do, instead of clarifying what your issue was.

    Last edited by Balinkay; 5th November 2020 at 12:56 PM.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

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