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Thread: The Steveo/Balinkay battle thread

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Yeah, guess I got my answer there. I've always expected too much of people tbf...
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Thank you. I knew you'd like that one. My personal favourite too tbf.

    Fuck this petty insult hurling shite - fun while it lasted, but I'm getting bored of it now:

    just tell me straight up - did you honestly not realise how your mention of who and where I am would look? I mean, sure I got no issues with you bustin' my chops that I'm from a shitehole country and "ran away". I do the same all the time.

    Did you honestly not think that'd look out of order to me? Not to mention the snide Lukov stuff? Try to be honest here so we can either bury the hatchet and move on or just ignore each other, seeing as vin seems unwilling to whip out the hammer?

    I did expect it to rile you a wee bit yes - but about as much as your repeated and un called for insults riled me. I had no friggin concept in my mind that it would send you off the rails!! I didn't give it much thought at all tbh. I used it purely to highlight what I saw - yet again - as you getting the wrong end of the stick in talking with me.. In the end you can believe what you like I cannot change that - but that is 100% how I saw it.

    But you took such offence and then start calling me a racist xenophobe. WTF.. Surely you know I am nothing of the sort..? I mean come on.. If i call Jurgen a soft or a daft German ( do it quite often ) - is that really xenophobic ? It is tongue in cheek I guess but racist..? naah.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Banned then reinstated..

    Wow wow wow Steveo, dont you know that John "london is no longer an English city" Cleese is only one step away from the Dalai "Europe is for Europeans" Lama and Bernie "white people dont know what's it's like to live in the Ghetto" Sanders.



  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    He is a right wing Tory loving Xenophobe - bet he voted for Brexit too - all pretty much common knowledge - just like Clarkson - but doesn’t stop either being entertaining does it...?

    Thought it might provoke a proper debate

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Of course it's not racist, Steveo - I do it all the time too.

    Like I said - it's fine if you bust my chops over where I'm from, go ahead - Lord knows there's plenty of reasons to do so: rampant alcoholism, racism, our football, the economic role many of my compatriots play in the UK... go ahead, I'm fine with that.

    But fucking hell - when you're responding to something I said, read the damn posts regarding it and only then ask for clarification / tell me if I've spouted bullshite. Don't just start insulting the other person. Converse with people straight up and explicitly - forum posts are a lossy form of communication, don't forget that. And none of this condescending "oh, you can't understand English" snide cuntiness. If you think I've misunderstood something, explain it. It's not a complicated concept, my Brie Bun.

    And of course you sounded xenophobic. A million times you're paraded how open you are to the world but the first chance you get you come after me for being Johnny Foreigner and not speaking your language? Come on... enough with the low blows - you've been reading my posts for years. Then you insinuate the fact that my country was on the Axis's side in WW2 has any bearing on my views... fuck off with that low snide shite.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    He is a right wing Tory loving Xenophobe - bet he voted for Brexit too - all pretty much common knowledge - just like Clarkson - but doesn’t stop either being entertaining does it...?

    Thought it might provoke a proper debate
    He'd have to be these days as a comic and defender of free speech/blasphemer.

    Are you a xenophobie if you dont hate foreigners but want to get them out of your lands and back to their own lands ?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    He'd have to be these days as a comic and defender of free speech/blasphemer.

    Are you a xenophobie if you dont hate foreigners but want to get them out of your lands and back to their own lands ?
    Not sure that has a descriptor mate. I always thought a xenophobe was simply someone with a dislike of foreigners.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    in the past
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post

    Edit: It's not up to me to tell you what you can and can't post. There's rules and mods for that. You're (sadly) not banned yet, so I guess my expectations of what is and isn't allowed were off.
    Honestly, if there's something that you want to flag - then please flag it. I haven't followed every post. I'm also not the only mod on here. Not sure how often (and who) the others are anymore.

    The rules are clear. When I said the bit about not banning posters it was based on what I had read. I'll go back and review but if either of you wants to "report" or flag something then it makes it easier.

    I'm closing this thread. You two aren't going to agree. This will just roll on and on.
    "...and my inch is like a freight train, so I only use it in self defence"

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