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Thread: Cavani Should Face the same ban as Suarez

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Suarez said that he used the same word used by Cavani

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Anyway, feel free to hold your opinion Kev, I ain’t gonna try and change your mind.

    Laters, off to bed me

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City
    The trouble is that not everybody will agree as to what is or is not 'racist'.

    After what happened to Suarez, every player that was signed by a club should have been told in no uncertain terms that certain words/descriptions should not be used, irrespective of how acceptable they may be within their own country or culture.

    That's the only way you'll stop things like this happening.

  4. #184
    Join Date
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    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    Anyway, feel free to hold your opinion Kev, I ain’t gonna try and change your mind.

    Laters, off to bed me
    Off to bed me ....... a what? One of those deaf, dumb, blind, fugly, limbless (and most importantly, p***ed) broads that won't touch me with a 100ft barge pole?

  5. #185
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    Anyway, feel free to hold your opinion Kev, I ain’t gonna try and change your mind.

    Laters, off to bed me
    and we could debate all night

    I think understanding of the word and how it's used over there is more needed, against Evra (who obviously wasn't friendly with suarez) it's not used in that way at all, whereas this South american geezer who posted and tagged cavani in the first place obviously did it in a very friendly way and cavani just shared it.

    There's slight differences like there is in England with some words.

    We could argue all night but says a lot when pundits, and others have backed Cavani

    And I think utd &Cavani have handled it well, he seems a nice bloke

    I'm sick of all this shite the world isn't all against us

    Maybe if suarez wasn't such a cunt, or it wasn't captured clearly, in a very angry way he wouldn't of got a long ban either, tbf I don't know why you care he's probably happy he didn't get fined as much, like he gives a fuck about us

    The real Hypocrisy is you'd be fuming if cavani played for us, end of so would most of us, and rightly so.

    Looking back at it, we handled it really fucking stupidly and that's the truth, I'd rather it not be all bought up again it's that bad, and trying to compare the 2 is batshit crazy frankly

    Honestly if that's racist the FA/media have been racist for years, look closely....
    Last edited by Kev0909; 5th January 2021 at 02:41 AM.

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    2 totally different
    1. With meaning of hatred and to incite a racial reaction during a football match. (Suarez)

    2. The other was a message to a friend or family member ;
    endearing term meaning sweetheart especially in writing. (Negrito or Negrita)

    In the Suarez and Evra incident both were at fault imo.
    It's just Evra was more cunning than the non subtle Suarez.
    This is a simple way to put it too

    Get off ya utd hating horses

  7. #187
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    I am of the opinion that a racist term is one that should not be used from one race to another.

    Look at the “N” word, black people use it between themselves all the time but there are absolutely no circumstances where a white guy should use it to a black guy, none.

    Suarez was given a heavy ban because the term he used was so racist Evra could not bring himself to repeat it.

    If that is the case... IF... then there should be no circumstances where Cavani should be using it either.
    You cannot have it both ways.

    To use your language..”is that it so hard to see the connection?”

    I have my view which will not change and that is that neither should have been banned. However, in law, once you set a “precedent” that is the example by which all other similar incidents are judged.

    As far as I understand, they used the same term, urgo, the same punishment applies.
    Really ? If a black guy refers to a white guy as the n word it's only polite to refer to them in the same way. They're not calling a white person the n word because they thought he was black.

    You can't say that because you are white - anti-racism.
    Ffs this last year logic and science as mental processes have been dubbed racist as they are whiteness.
    The Smithsonian declaring punctuality/timeliness as whiteness.
    Only irrational anti-racists can get away with saying such racist shit and pat themselves on the back for being antiracist.

    A young black intellectual prodigy in Texas can be called a coconut/uncletom/coon under this antiracism fervour for demonstrating whiteness and turning his back on blackness.

    I shall get back to the blm thread and to Steveo in another thread somewhere soon about bojo/Cornyn, so this isn't directed at you but more the general air.

    Funny how the travellers get ignored. On average lower academic qualifications, shorter life spans and lower income.
    Must be because they are oppressed. Clearly the Irish and Jews are doing better as the english and Germans stopped hating them and let them succeed.

    Am I alone in seeing these impressions and tangents as the height of stupidity.

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I think you have completely misunderstood my meaning. I mean totally.

    I would rather not go any further with this debate as it is too easy to try and pick holes in what is written and change the context and call it racist.

    So I’m done with it.


  9. #189
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    I think you have completely misunderstood my meaning. I mean totally.

    I would rather not go any further with this debate as it is too easy to try and pick holes in what is written and change the context and call it racist.

    So I’m done with it.

    because it's a load of shittttte


  10. #190
    The FA accept that Cavani was not intentionally racist. It seems that his quarantine on arrival in the country disrupted his media training.

    I'd love to know what happens to his £100,000 fine.



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