As part of LFC Foundation Day 2021, at Sunday's Premier League clash with Manchester City, we are celebrating the achievements of our participants.
LFC Foundation has been overwhelmed by the resilience, passion and loyalty each participant has shown on our community programmes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.
Meet six-year-old Asanti
Asanti started attending the Foundation’s Mini Kicks programme (football for four to seven-year-olds) at the beginning of the pandemic. This means Asanti has not yet had the chance to attend an in-person football session with the team at one of our six Mini Kicks sites across the Liverpool City Region.
However, this has not stopped Asanti from improving her skills as a footballer, nor has it stopped her development, as she has attended our virtual Mini Kicks sessions by Zoom every week.
Asanti’s ability has come on in leaps and bounds, which has not gone unnoticed by LFC Foundation coaches.
Mini Kicks coach Ricky Heywood nominated Asanti for a special, celebratory shoutout for this year's Foundation Day, saying: “Originally, she was taking things slowly and participating, but more in the background.
“But within no time, she had no hesitation in asking questions to the coaches on the virtual calls. We’ve got to know her and her father, Mosissa, well over the months, and we’ve seen her confidence grow.”
Mosissa added: “Asanti has always liked football. She’s improved a lot since she’s started the online sessions. She can’t wait to meet all her new footballing friends at the in-person sessions.”
When asked about how Mini Kicks makes her feel, Asanti said: “I didn’t know any skills [before the sessions] and my coaches have taught me loads! And now I’m really confident.
“What made me want to join is that I really love football and to meet new friends. I would be sad if I couldn’t go anymore.”
LFC Foundation would like to thank Asanti for her dedication and we can’t wait to coach Asanti and other participants in-person when it is safe to do so.
