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Thread: Racism

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    The Fax
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    On Twitter recently, a guy clearly of Asian origin, was talking about the cheating English in the semi finals, the English guy responded with “ just stick to enjoying cricket” anyone consider that as racist? He pleaded innocence saying “I’m not being racist, I just looked at his profile and he likes cricket” It’s those types where they want to be subtly racist and get away with it on a technicality. The openly racist? Respect them, they don’t hide their shithousery
    I would have him arrested for that

    Anyone can take anything the way it suits them. Takes fuck all for people to be outraged these days

    My home town has large Asian areas that you used to have to walk through to get to the park / swimming baths and I used to get called all sorts - white bastard, milk bottle, milky bar kid, honkey etc but back then (90’s) I just brushed it off but not sure how I’d react If the same happened this day and age. Id probably turn into a snowflake and melt away.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Maybe I dont talk to any other races might be more compelling as all these racists seem to have other race friends ?

    Can you explain how the stick to cricket reply was actually racist ? I've no idea what you are on about.
    If the person did indeed have a cricket bit in their bio or whatever it's called, then I think youd have to give that person the benefit of the doubt.

    Personally I saw the term anglophobia being thrown about after the semifinal penalty winner.
    For me this is merely a new age blasphemy, whereby having removed blasphemy from the statutes theres the new age blasphemy laws to contend with now.

    For me the right to free expression trumps the right to gag and bound others. Seen too many cases of the police being involved with Twitter spats, people sharing posts even or training their dog to do the nazi salute.
    If I were boko I would cut all police funding for such ventures and repeal the hate speech laws brought in under blair.
    If people find Twitter too toxic to handle, they can leave it much as if they find porn sites too violent, the state is not obliged to protect you from your own online virtual behaviours.
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    I personally wouldnt say the stick to cricket thing is racist. Its like saying stick to baseball to an American. Is that racist? It's not to do with skin colour but could be classed as cultural. A sport related snipe - not racist for me?
    I can see where the remark could draw that conclusion though.
    I didn’t class it as being racist initially to be honest. A debate went on, and yes his profile suggested he liked cricket, but also supported Villa. Because the lads surname was Afridi, doesnt mean he should stick to cricket. I get what you mean about Americans as they don’t have football, its soccer there. I would have laughed it off personally and I’m not from a country that even plays the sport. (Ireland a Side but they are dud) It’s just that when you’re an ethnic minority in this country in particular, you have probably experienced subtle racism on a higher scale and will read into things a bit more.

    Free expression? That’s very broad. Do you also take into consideration free speech in regards to sexuality and gender identity? Or is that a no no and talking about race and religion in a discriminatory way is you practising your freedom?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    A comedian called Andrew Lawrence (never heard of him) has been banned from twitter and dropped from gigs for saying , "All I'm saying is,the white guys scored "
    He's a bloody comedian !!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    A comedian called Andrew Lawrence (never heard of him) has been banned from twitter and dropped from gigs for saying , "All I'm saying is,the white guys scored "
    He's a bloody comedian !!
    Has he actually?

    Twitter is a bit of a joke if you ask me. Banned someone for calling someone a she when they wanted to be called “they” banned me for 6 days for calling Mark Rufallo a pansy for retracting his statement about the Palestinian conflict.

  5. #45
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    Has he actually?

    Twitter is a bit of a joke if you ask me. Banned someone for calling someone a she when they wanted to be called “they” banned me for 6 days for calling Mark Rufallo a pansy for retracting his statement about the Palestinian conflict.
    Apparently so.
    I'm always sceptical about these racist tweets to footballers and who's sending them. Maybe it's because we're I'm from .
    It still amazes me they have a monkey emoji on keyboards. Don't make it easy for the dickheads.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    I didn’t class it as being racist initially to be honest. A debate went on, and yes his profile suggested he liked cricket, but also supported Villa. Because the lads surname was Afridi, doesnt mean he should stick to cricket. I get what you mean about Americans as they don’t have football, its soccer there. I would have laughed it off personally and I’m not from a country that even plays the sport. (Ireland a Side but they are dud) It’s just that when you’re an ethnic minority in this country in particular, you have probably experienced subtle racism on a higher scale and will read into things a bit more.

    Free expression? That’s very broad. Do you also take into consideration free speech in regards to sexuality and gender identity? Or is that a no no and talking about race and religion in a discriminatory way is you practising your freedom?
    Steveo did the same with me about hurling iirc

    I'm not definite about your stance, but I'd imagine there are people who are looking for that "educated" teacher to lose their job over social media postings.
    Why do such people think he should lose his job, when footballers dont lose theirs? Sterling cheerlead the battered in the streets chant about an attack on an ethnic minority in the UK, but he still has a place in society, man city team still have their jobs and he still represents the nation. Is it because he has the profile and adulation to get away with such transgressions.
    I wouldnt like to see anyone lose their job over such matters.

    How do you talk about anything without discriminating ?
    I think you have to be able to express yourself freely, few on here seem to have a problem declaring their feelings on matters and I think its best that people can say what they like, especially online.

    In terms of sexuality and gender identity, why should it be any different ?
    Do you what to ball and gag folks ?

    The age of consent, abortion legality or morality, laws around age of consent for sex or gender therapy (like is it ok to decide your 3 year old told you to reassign their gender?), sex workers rights versus turn off the red light, support you sex workers or not, is it transphobic for a woman to complain about a man's penis and balls being exposed in woman only spaces, are woman only spaces permitted, are man spaces permitted, should there be female/male/mixed spaces, can you change your sex/gender identity, does it have to be static, fluid or exclusionary, can you change your race/ethnic identity, does it have to be static, fluid or exclusionary, can you identify as a pixie, unicorn, furry, fairy/pixie. Do you have opinions on abstinence, sex before marriage, spreading STDs, doing it knowingly but without informing a potential infectee, who owns your sex tape, revenge porn, must you enjoy or endorse all sex acts, are public spaces sex spaces, does gay kink have a place in public pride parades, are parents allowed to introduce their kids to fetish or sexual behaviours when their kids are too young to consent, what age should minors have access to internet, should libraries be hosting sexualised content, does the library have equal opportunity for others to express themselves and share their values, should a library be prosecuted for enabling kiddie fiddling, what age should schools be introducing sexual topics, must schools teach the same syllabus, must places or worship host LGBTQ folks, must LGBTQ folks host religious views.
    There are a host of topics and discussions and whilst you might have no opinions, or can express them in a masterly way, I think you will find it impossible to please everyone and not offend someone.

    So are there any topics or utterances so far that you think should be a criminal offense ?
    Are there any other issues you had in mind in this area ?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    A comedian called Andrew Lawrence (never heard of him) has been banned from twitter and dropped from gigs for saying , "All I'm saying is,the white guys scored "
    He's a bloody comedian !!
    Hes a ginger comedian.

    Comedy and mockery are the enemy of authority.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    Has he actually?

    Twitter is a bit of a joke if you ask me. Banned someone for calling someone a she when they wanted to be called “they” banned me for 6 days for calling Mark Rufallo a pansy for retracting his statement about the Palestinian conflict.
    Lad I know was banned for calling a friend of his a donkey

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The chief of Irish basketball has been sacked for posting Black dives matter in regards of Reheem Sterling in the semi final.
    Typical Irish,they're all the same!!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I got banned from Facebook for using a nickname rather than my real name.
    I just wanted to avoid posts from people I do not want to hear from.
    I hardly ever posted and certainly nothing in the least bit controversial.
    Just wanted my close friends to be able to send me pictures etc.
    No explanation from Facebook really apart from accusing me of impersonating someone else.
    They acted really quickly!
    I moved to whatapp!
    Owned by Facebook!
    No problems!



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