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Thread: Racism

  1. #91
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    If i was boring shit i would go back through every comment Scentificred ever made online and see if he mention something that would be considered racist/homophobic/sexist and cancel him for all eternity.
    there is comments and then theres RACISM. the both get placed together these days.
    Try it and if you find it let everyone see it and if it is true I will be gone.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    You have some curious history books CCTV.
    You perhaps deny this genocide ?
    Your version of events is a story often given for the demise of South American tribes.
    Have you ever heard of 'Bury my heart at wounded knee'?
    Have you ever heard of Buffalo Bill?
    Have you ever seen that iconic picture of
    him atop 100s of dead buffalo?
    What was that all about?
    Perhaps after massacring whole swathes of red Indians the US government was offering huge bounties to anyone who slaughtered those beasts per heàd to avoid any resurgence of that red Indian species as they had realised that the buffalo was their 'Raison d'etre'(sorry but do not have the correct e accent on my keyboard).
    Theres always some debate about genocide on technicalities, atrocious outcomes, absolutely. Already highlighted the plight of the Indians a tribe of man displaced by outsiders and now an ethnic minority in their own lands. Can understand why any people would hate to lose their lands to non-natives. The matter of disease didn't escape the Indians though.
    Can understand the resentment of palestinians to jews and the jewish desire to return to their homelands. Also how people become attached once they settle in on other peoples lands.
    Thats not a tactic that started with or unique to British, it's been utilised through the ages. It's often a part of warfare tactics.

    I've a friend whose restored some photos in colour that are quite nice. My grandad told me about the Indians and travellers when I was young, so I have a fair understanding of those people.

    The removal of herds and the impacts on soil erosion is a part of allen savourys approach, Joel salatin too, whilst cattle were used to develop soil on rocks off the coast of Clare.
    Savoury himself working off a hypothesis that he now regards as a grave error culled 50,000 elephants a few decades ago under the idea that too many animals were causing soil erosion.
    His work today focuses on having more animals on the soil to generate the piss and shit to create and foster soils. In doing so land can retain water throughout the year and increase yields and people can move away from the welfare of food aid which demoralises the people.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    I have never liked stand up comedians. Their fall back seemed to be always lots of swearing and racial stereotypes backed up with bullying of those who did not find them funny.
    What I found about them more disturbing was that it was not 'stand up' and truly improvised comedy but rather well rehearsed and sometimes in front of a mirror, at home and alone. Saddoes!
    If that is your biscuit then you are welcome to it of course.
    I think comedy is a great way to mock authority. And authoritarians struggle to deal with being mocked.
    A good comic routine starts with writing, timing is worked on and in the modern era a special will be recorded after it's been fine tuned with live audiences.

    I think slagging is a good way to develop a sense of wit and resilience. Certainly a goal to develop the sense as kids age.
    Do you find comedy that mocks others distasteful. I find some not funny takes on politicians but when they are good, they are brilliant imo. Not too arsed about which politicians are over the barrel.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    What do you call 50 white men chasing a black man ? The US PGA.
    Funny or racist ?
    A funny for me, good joke.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    I'm leaving this conversation by saying. I find racism deplorable. The people that attack black footballers over missed penalties are sick and hopefully they can be found and detected an dealt with. thats all we can do has a society is deal with people who are like this. But you can't stop it all. you will always get people who are incapable of learning and understanding.
    I honestly think there are people who would be disappointed if there was no such incidents on twatter.
    I also believe you will find a few black folk participating in verbal racist abuse just to sit back and laugh at people losing their shit.

    Certainly some portion of online racist abuse mirrors the habits of saying things to upset the evangelicals of the 80s. There are black folk who like to trigger white liberals in particular, even black ones too.
    It's sometimes enjoyable for some to watch people lose their shit over what some people say. I want more abortions, more abortion = more freedom.
    The n word so long as it holds such power over people will always be such an easy way to trigger reactions.

    I wonder how much more will be spent on patrolling twitter, where could that money be better spent is not even a permitted political discussion.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    The Fax
    Do you think the creators of Gladiators would get away with calling Judy Simpson ‘Nightshade’ this day and age?

  7. #97
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by LFC-DPG View Post
    Do you think the creators of Gladiators would get away with calling Judy Simpson ‘Nightshade’ this day and age?
    Why not ok ? English has a huge colour template to call on.
    If the artist concerned is happy then so am I.
    Black or white? Don't like!

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I see GB News presenter Guto Harri is in breach of standards for taking the knee live on air. It's getting silly now.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    If i was boring shit i would go back through every comment Scentificred ever made online and see if he mention something that would be considered racist/homophobic/sexist and cancel him for all eternity.
    there is comments and then theres RACISM. the both get placed together these days.
    Dear Justme,
    I await your evidence of your sleight on my character.
    That was quite severe.
    I do not expect an apology from you.
    I do not accept your views of me but if you have the decency to trawl through my past posts at least have the decency within yourself to realise you were wrong or else show me, and perhaps others, where I was wrong. I am not beyond criticism!
    Leaving this debate is a cop out!

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    GMP have came out and said the Marcus Rashford mural in Manchester did not have racial slogans wrote on it.
    Why did I think it had, going by the media in recent days ?



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