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Thread: Best youtubes of players for youngsters to watch

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Best youtubes of players for youngsters to watch

    Shearer - Great for any youngster to be made to study, very very clear and obvious hand down so he's over the ball, standing foot next to the ball, with good variation of types of finishing and of how the hand positions alter in the technique to create the body shape at the point of striking the ball to help direct it where he wanted - Great header of the ball too, and too many youngsters are pussios when it comes to heading a ball

    Benzema (At Lyon) - Just some superb technique and different types of technique in striking the ball, brilliant, simple and deadly effective tricks in use of body shape to draw defenders in and getting half a yard to finish, pass or lay the ball off to go for a return, David Villa is a good watch for this also. Lots of foot to foot, altering body shape as you play the ball from one foot to the other to wrong foot defenders on both, just some brilliant very simple with the right body shape moves to get half a yard, and if you practice and refine them enough, you can score goals like Mo's today (2 or 3 signature 'get half a yard' touches in that) and always get half a yard to get your shot or pass off
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Youngsters are scared to head the ball and they are told to be. If Shearer ever gets Alzheimer's there'll be plenty of video footage of his heading technique shown on the TV news tributes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I'd recommend Tim Dillon for the off field aspects like media training, brand development and advertising



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