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Thread: The Heart of Football

  1. #91
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    Apr 2007

    Dr. Peter McCullough, a top cardiologist in his field, has warned that myocarditis due to the vaccine is “way more serious” than myocarditis contracted from the virus itself. Myocarditis, or heart muscle inflammation, is a side effect of both COVID and the mRNA vaccine. The difference is that the ailment produced by the natural infection tends to elevate troponin levels, according to Dr. McCullough, which is a protein found in cardiac and skeletal muscle. “[T]he myocarditis in COVID-19 is mild, it’s inconsequential, and it’s largely a component of election [of troponin].”

    In contrast, contracting the ailment through the vaccine may cause lipid nanoparticles to go directly to the heart, the doctor stated. “The heart expresses the spike protein, the body attacks the heart. There are dramatic EKG changes. I don’t want anybody to think that the myocarditis of a natural infection is anything like what we’re seeing with the vaccines,” the top cardiologist warned.

    Dr. McCullough said the heart injury due to the vaccine is around 10-100 times higher than the troponin seen in natural infection. Worsening matters, the doctor states that when kids develop myocarditis after the vaccine, 90% require immediate hospitalization to prevent heart failure. “Vaccine-induced myocarditis is a big deal, and in children, it’s way more serious and more prominent than a post-COVID myocarditis.”

  2. #92
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    It’s an excess figure - I don’t have the raw data. 500 per week seems a lot for that age group though doesn’t it. I don’t claim to be an expert on Scottish heart attacks, and I have eaten deep fried Mars bars.

    The numbers of FIFA registered footballers having heart attacks is up 500%, which is not a small increase. That’s raw data - no individual circumstances.

    And the Scottish spike is since the summer - you mention January being early for young people to be vaccinated but that graph includes up to 64 year olds and starts spiking later in the year.

    That Scottish graph is a rare ray of sunshine. No one is discussing this in the mainstream - on the contrary they are suppressing this kind of data. What are the figures for England, for example?

    I have a cardiologist explaining what he is seeing in a short clip I’ll link to later
    Just looking at 18-44 as they should be healtiest naturally and easier to see in the chart.

    On the graph the 18-44 has an uptick around January say, a brief dip, then back to that level from March through to June.

    It begins to peak from June to a high point in July, then it drops up and down till September.

    From September on its dropping, spikes through November before another drop, but only the very beginning of a drop off at the end.

    Just by my eye there's 3 sections. The third closer to the first than the second perhaps.

    I'm guessing few 18-44 year olds were vaxxed in the UK till early summer.
    Wikipedia on England - 42-44 year olds say eligible from April 27, staggered down to 18 year olds on June 18th June.

    So there's a sizeable up tick prior to vaccination in that cohort.

    Its why leaving out 2020 is poor. Would fill in so much of the picture imo.
    Was there an uptick through 2020, due to covid, lockdowns and impacts on health services.
    Was there a seasonal aspect to the trend in 2020 or was it much flatter, again did it rise gradually.
    My guess would be 2020 was up, as the known pre-vaccination part of the year/2021 has a decent uptick.

    Certainly seems to be enough cause for concern, the downward trend after vaccine rollout perhaps indicates a shorter term reaction to vaxxs that's dissipating. Which would be good news.
    The lack of discussion and willingness to discuss is a concern.

  3. #93
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    Will give your vid a look later

  4. #94
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    In the tweet below the graph in question, further graphs visualise the 'out of hours' cardiac calls

    Second is the ‘Out of hours’ cardiac calls. This is when someone’s GP is closed, but they need to call a doctor about heart problem - it goes to the out of hours service.
    The 2018-19 trend is purple, and we have a huge excess in the 15-44 age group calling about cardiac issues

    In the video above, which is transcribed below it, he makes it very clear that cardiac issues caused by the virus do not compare in scale to those from the vaccines - for that age group in particular.

  5. #95
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    Comparing the graph showing the 'huge excess' with those for the older age group, it does seem likely that the excess period follows vaccination for the younger age group, in late spring, early summer. Either the older groups are not affected this way (and that seems to be the case), or perhaps their excess would be earlier in the year

  6. #96
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    4,010 ontext=spotify%3Ashow%3A4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk

    This is a must watch for anyone interested in the current virus paradigm (which should be everyone presumably). A review of how bad the governance around covid 19 has been. It smashes many of the received wisdom positions on what’s happening with the disease and the vaccines.
    It does go into ‘soccer deaths’ around midway through

  7. #97
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Comparing the graph showing the 'huge excess' with those for the older age group, it does seem likely that the excess period follows vaccination for the younger age group, in late spring, early summer. Either the older groups are not affected this way (and that seems to be the case), or perhaps their excess would be earlier in the year
    The younger folk have a reasonable uptick prior to the vaxxine been made available to the majority of them. (If significant) For that to be vaxxine related those call outs would have to be attending very vulnerable people, my guess other factors for the increase earlier in the year. Covid itself or maybe lockdown impacts.

    Maybe the old are protected from the vaxx by having weaker hearts as they wind down ? An opposite of the big heart of athletes getting inflammation you spoke of earlier?

    The 2021 chart just shows the excess. No raw data.

    But I'd imagine in a normal year that 15-44 year olds wouldn't make up a big proportion of cardiac call outs.
    If so, then their increase would be a bigger percentage than the older folk.

    It would be interesting to see the fifa players, vaxx status, which vaxx, confirmed covid.
    It's amazing how little discussion and good data analysis is out there.
    Last edited by CCTV; 18th December 2021 at 02:47 AM.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    The younger folk have a reasonable uptick prior to the vaxxine been made available to the majority of them. (If significant) For that to be vaxxine related those call outs would have to be attending very vulnerable people, my guess other factors for the increase earlier in the year. Covid itself or maybe lockdown impacts.
    tatus, which vaxx, confirmed covid.
    There is one other mechanism - Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV) thinks that these vaccines will be toxic for those that are unvaccinated. He isn't the only virologist to make this claim. So that means those young people who are living with vaccinated people will be poisoned by them. It's something to do with shedding of the spike protein, but I can't claim to understand the concept.

    Anyway, I've been pouring over statistics for 2 years now (in a way that journalists, and many influential scientists for that matter, haven't) and I now realise it's a futile exercise. These policies are not only unscientific (aka nonsensical) but they are resistant to argument. Its alway possible to say 'but what if someone were to die' to any argument. Cancelling football is just one more sacrifice we have to make to the new god of total safety.

    The reason I still bother is in case someone were to read these thoughts and think 'maybe its time to bring an end to all this'.

  9. #99
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    There is one other mechanism - Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV) thinks that these vaccines will be toxic for those that are unvaccinated. He isn't the only virologist to make this claim. So that means those young people who are living with vaccinated people will be poisoned by them. It's something to do with shedding of the spike protein, but I can't claim to understand the concept.

    Anyway, I've been pouring over statistics for 2 years now (in a way that journalists, and many influential scientists for that matter, haven't) and I now realise it's a futile exercise. These policies are not only unscientific (aka nonsensical) but they are resistant to argument. Its alway possible to say 'but what if someone were to die' to any argument. Cancelling football is just one more sacrifice we have to make to the new god of total safety.

    The reason I still bother is in case someone were to read these thoughts and think 'maybe its time to bring an end to all this'.
    Your last paragraph. If fucking only.
    Did you see Teresa May in Parliament yesterday?
    Never thought I'd agree with a Tory MP.

  10. #100
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Your last paragraph. If fucking only.
    Did you see Teresa May in Parliament yesterday?
    Never thought I'd agree with a Tory MP.
    No mate I didn’t. We have 99 Tories leading the resistance and, as far as I can tell, a Labour Party that can only imagine stricter hysteria and more complete control of everything as the way forward so I can only see further totalitarianism coming our way.

    I suspect we have ten years of this to look forward to. Not one ounce of it will help in the slightest to protect us from a virus that was created thanks to government funding and government-expert-scientist-cooperation to make the world a safer place.



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