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Thread: Is world war 3 about to kick off?

  1. #51
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Vladimir Klicsko is armed and on the streets

  2. #52
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    JFK was securing American interests by thwarting a potential risk in Cuba from the USSR.

    Putin is securing Russian interests by thwarting a potential risk in Ukraine from Nato/Eu.

    In both cases the aggressor is the one interfering around the others territory.

    In both cases you'd expect the smaller nation to pay the price against their superpower neighbour.
    Is that what you believe? I think they are very different scenarios from very different eras and it is wrong to compare. Nobody wants to threaten russian sovereignty. But many countries were only too glad for the chance to escape from russian tyranny and many have voted and chosen protection against a return to that tyranny. You can surely see why!

  3. #53
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    Byron Bay Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    For me, Nothing funny is coming out of this
    Yeah sorry, poor choice of words.

    Whatever views people have on how it came to this and who is to blame its the regular civilians that suffer as always.

  4. #54
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Is that what you believe? I think they are very different scenarios from very different eras and it is wrong to compare. Nobody wants to threaten russian sovereignty. But many countries were only too glad for the chance to escape from russian tyranny and many have voted and chosen protection against a return to that tyranny. You can surely see why!
    Those are the similarities. It's not a matter of belief.
    Are there similarities I've listed you'd care to dispute.

    Why is it wrong to compare the 2 ?
    You yourself have acknowledged these are 2 threats of conflict going nuclear. I've listed the other similarities.
    Can't think of a better comparison.

    Russia's sovereignty is clearly at threat.
    The EU is an expansionist union that has purchased nations through its economic power/allure.
    Nato is the world's greatest military power that often follows EU expansion.

  5. #55
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    What do you think has been staged? This is live tv? War reporters are quite brave people with a history going back a few centuries Do you suggest that there are no bombs? Or only when they are there? Or People are hiding with their children in the underground just for some political point?
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Innocent people are the first casualties if war
    I'm not suggesting that this war is a fake TV production with actors. And no, I am not suggesting there are no bombs (how could you possible think that? I will file that alongside your bizarre moon-landing comment)

    I am suggesting that some news segments are clearly staged to portray a point and manipulate public opinion. This happens all the time, in peace time too, and you must know that. People are hiding in the underground because they are scared and the media and politicians have been driving that. They have been willing this invasion for weeks and loving it. and loving the way the explosions "light up the night sky", the cunts.

    In the build-up to this invasion we've seen newsmen following brave teenage Ukrainian lads through their network of trenches, and we have had photo opportunities of grannies with cardboard kalashnikovs. Live TV may be somewhat different (although it is still controlled) but these images are used to manipulate our emotions. For sure innocent people are casualties, twas always thus. And we get emotionally entangled. Meanwhile we forget the innocent casualties this week in Syria, Yemen etc because we don't really care, not really.

    The BBC admitted that hostilities between Russia and Ukraine have been constantly ongoing since 2014, but we haven't given a shit about Ukraine until now. Like we didn't give a shit about Saddam gassing the Kurds until it suited us. What is fake about this conflict is the phoney media concern for innocent people and righteous indignation towards "madman" Putin. (In other news they will emphasise the importance of mental health while not questioning that of Boris, Biden, Trudeau...)

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    This whole thing is not about Russia vs Ukraine,this is about taking down the Khazarian Nazi Mafia(deep state/cabal)....Western media are owned by 6 corporations(all deep state/cabal owned)..The western media is pushing the WW3 narrative because they're broke!!....Lots of incriminating evidence inside Ukraine against these evil fuckers and the military intelligence agencies have found em out.....Have a listen to this fella....This is about liberating Ukraine and possibly the world from evil....

  7. #57
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    Poor none “white” countries getting bombarded, invaded, homes destroyed on a daily basis, but it’s all about a poor European country and how much more civilised they are than those bombed before them.

    Sky airs a step by step guide on making Molotov cocktails, Palestinians make hand made mini catapults to chuck rocks at tanks and heavily armoured personal and they’re the terrorists. Fuck the media and the bullshit it spits out on a daily basis.

  8. #58
    Join Date
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    Poor none “white” countries getting bombarded, invaded, homes destroyed on a daily basis, but it’s all about a poor European country and how much more civilised they are than those bombed before them.

    Sky airs a step by step guide on making Molotov cocktails, Palestinians make hand made mini catapults to chuck rocks at tanks and heavily armoured personal and they’re the terrorists. Fuck the media and the bullshit it spits out on a daily basis.
    Absolutely spot on Doc.....This is called The Great Awakening.....The world is not how we've all thought,there's serious evil that's been in control all our lives and far longer,they're being taken down and when it's done the world will be a far better place for it....

  9. #59
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    Absolutely spot on Doc.....This is called The Great Awakening.....The world is not how we've all thought,there's serious evil that's been in control all our lives and far longer, they're being taken down and when it's done the world will be a far better place for it....
    I've always been wide awake, don't under estimate status quo Marty and how our media had devolved the human species taking away it's long held inquisitive trait, want and ability to question

    I thought Covid would be the Sodom and Gommorah moment, when billions had the chance or rather were forced to stay at home and had nothing but plenty of time to actually think about where they were with their life and where we were heading, I though when they had that considerable time to take stock, it would produce the 'never look back lest you be turned to a pillar of salt' moment

    But as soon as the media started talking about 'freedom day' and 'getting back to normal' they were immediately brought under the spell again

    You see it every where, how engrained the power of suggestion and leading the audience to think and perceive things a certain way is, there was this show on last night some people in the house were watching, Tine Turner impersonators, 2 were actually really very good, one was rank average, the hosts were leading the voting public in the direction of the rank average one AND, surprise surprise, they voted her through
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Any way, late tea now, think I'll have Chicken Kiev
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

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