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Thread: Saudi Football Super League

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    These ARE the questions all the Sky Sports, BT Sports and BBC pundits and commentators should have been asking all managers or players looking to join City or Newcastle from day one and equally as vehemently

    Not sure if it's in your clip Sid, but the actual fucking nerve of asking the golfers if they'd play in Apartheid South Africa, we live in a country in which the media barons, because they don't want to pay their taxes, launched an unprecedented smear and disinformation campaign of false antisemitism against the former leader of the opposition for his want to hold Israel to account for their apartheid campaign and continual breaches of international law

    I don't understand, aside from years of them being conditioned by it, how the majority of people in the UK can't see exactly how false and propaganda fueled with a view to the wealthy or those with some position of stature or power protecting their own interests our media is
    I believe Jeremy Corbyn acknowledged there were issues of antisemitism within the Labour Party.
    Maybe he got smeared with his own acknowledgments of antisemitism within the party.

  2. #12
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I believe Jeremy Corbyn acknowledged there were issues of antisemitism within the Labour Party.
    Maybe he got smeared with his own acknowledgments of antisemitism within the party.
    As usual, you're way out of your element, don't know anything approaching the entire story, only know the 'official' media version of and are regurgitating that like most incredibly clueless and stupid people persistently do to perpetuate a myth, if ever there was a youtube made for you, it this one, Donny

    Don't bother replying, it's a very long story to tell, for those who know the entire story and followed the entire thread, and if all you know is the line of the media who perpetrated it, as seems to be the case, maybe don't bother entering or trying to enter into a debate on it
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #13
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    Jun 2014
    I don't consider Jeremy Corbyn to be the media, or antisemitic himself per se.

    So when he spoke about himself, his labour party and antisemitism, I kind of assumed he wasn't running some anti-corbyn propaganda against himself.

    Maybe like the offside rule, you're not actually aware of the sum of all the facts.

  4. #14
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    Jun 2014
    Sports washing as defined on wikipedia:

    Sportswashing is the practice of an individual, group, corporation, or government using sport to improve their tarnished reputation, through hosting a sporting event, the purchase or sponsorship of sporting teams, or by participation in the sport itself.
    At the international level, sportswashing has been used to direct attention away from a poor human rights record and corruption scandals within a government. While at the individual or corporate level sportswashing is used to cover up and direct attention away from said person's or company's vices, crimes, or scandals. Sportswashing is an example of reputation laundering.

    It's an interesting phrase.

    I don't actually think the charged as guilty peoples, intend for this effect or goal.

    As outlined on the previous page the intentions are often about celebrating the economic development of those nations, a display of power in hosting a global event at some expense.
    And with the investors in football its more about an affinity to all things glamorous and diversifying their portfolios.

  5. #15
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    Jun 2014
    I feel this kind of thinking, sports washing, is actually a more prominent western phenomenon in reality.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I don't consider Jeremy Corbyn to be the media, or antisemitic himself per se.

    So when he spoke about himself, his labour party and antisemitism, I kind of assumed he wasn't running some anti-corbyn propaganda against himself.

    Maybe like the offside rule, you're not actually aware of the sum of all the facts.
    STFU Donny you're out of your element, just as you were on the offside business, you'll be telling me Rodri's handball wasn't handball and Moutinho's was next is the best possible summary

    Are you so thick that you genuinely believe that Corbyn, in a position of duress in and 'media' interview in which they have taken great pains to set the false narrative there is rampant antisemitism in the labour party, is going to do anything other than say and I quote "We're trying our best to work through all claims as quickly as possible and obviously even one genuine case is one too many" which is what he actually said in one such interview, which I assume is what you're talking about, genuinely constitutes him acknowledging there were issues, it's a line to placate them and diffuse a difficult situation they have manufactured

    The LabourReport Starmer's hidden away and failed to publish and release revealed over 95% of all claims of anitsemitism were made by ONE person, one of the Labour friends of Israel Group not at all coincidentally formed immediately after Corbyn was elected Labour leader by people from the Blair ideology of the party who didn't want him there (if you know the entire story as I do) that consisted entirely of activists who were eventually paid handsomely by Starmer for labelling anyone justly criticising the Israeli Govs brutal apartheid campaign, humans rights abuses and continual and continuing breaches of international law as being antisemitic

    No offence, but I get really fucking annoyed by 'idiots' who make dumb comments like yours about something Corbyn said in an interview staged to the backdrop of the non existent rampant antisemitism they manufactured, as somehow being meaningful when they haven't got a fucking clue about what actually happened and seem oblivious or wilfully ignorant to the fact in that situation he couldn't really say anything else

    Why did Starmer suspend him, for rejecting the findings of the EHRC who didn't receive the Labour Reports finding and detailed analysis of all 'claims' submitted as they were supposed to
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #17
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    May 2010
    It can be both
    (and in this case,..... IS)

    A display of economic power and prestige while at the same time an attempt to burnish ones own human rights credentials and moral position in the brotherhood of the human race.

    You act as if they're mutually exclusive.

    China wants to host Olympics because they are a display of its economic power, while at the same time an attempt to show themselves as a nation to be taken seriously as an open society where and with whom one can do business and invest in and vice versa (and not one where information and freedom is censored and restricted respectively per the whims of the ruling political elite)
    Dual function.

    Qatar wants to host the World Cup because they are a display of its economic power, while at the same time an attempt to show themselves as a nation to be taken seriously as an open society where and with whom one can do business and invest in and vice versa (....and not one in which they employ modern day slave labour, and restrict the rights of women, LGBQT people and other non-desirables)
    Dual function.

    Russia hosted the Winter Olympics and World Cup because they were a display of its economic power and modernization, while at the same time served as an attempt to show themselves as a nation to be taken seriously as an open society where and with whom one can do business and invest in and vice versa.
    (.... and not one in which the media serves as a propaganda extension of the ruling elite and the rights any political opposition are entirely curtailed and diminished)

    Dual function.

    Wash. Rinse....Repeat.

    Also the notion that they can't (or shouldn't) be criticized for it or for the things they're trying to whitewash because those ostensibly criticizing them, or accusing them of it are guilty of it themselves is the most childish "Two wrongs make a right"/"Timmy did it too, and nobody punished him" reasoning you can come up with by way of a rebuttal.

    And you always do this anytime anyone points out the wrongdoings of one of these modern autocratic nations - like you're their legal representation or publicists or summat.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  8. #18
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    The claims justly criticising the Israeli Gov is in anyway shape or form antisemitism demonstrate exactly where allowing such things to pass without appropriate condemnation and sanction for such a long period of time because those committing the atrocities are considered an allie lead
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  9. #19
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    The golf thing is hilarious, it reminds me of all the political commentary, rags and news reports in the UK media when Corbyn was Labour leader, how Sky and BT reacted to a proposed Super League, it's just super wealthy people and their minnions they pay handsomely for their 'loyalty' who have been ripping the absolute piss out of all of us for the past 40 years reacting how they react to someone taking their power or ability to create wealth by ripping the piss out of the rest of us away from them
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    The claims justly criticising the Israeli Gov is in anyway shape or form antisemitism demonstrate exactly where allowing such things to pass without appropriate condemnation and sanction for such a long period of time because those committing the atrocities are considered an allie lead
    The claim is that there is special vitriol reserved for the wrong-doings of Israel from lefties when no such vitriol surfaces for the preferred regimes of the same group, such as all the other Middle Eastern states, Cuba, China or Mr Corbyn's favourite, Venezuela.

    The deduction is that this indicates another motive for the bias - antisemitism - especially when it is accompanied by more overt antisemitism. There was quite a lot of other, more anachronistic material around of the hook-nosed businessman sitting on piles of money - that kind of thing. Strange that it still happens here although it has been propagated openly in the Middle East unceasingly since Yasser Arafat.



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