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Thread: Liverpool transfers in/out and rumours 22/23 + Contracts

  1. #8971
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BOBPAISLEYFAN View Post
    Steveo, are you lamenting the fact that we have so many posters who seem unable to think.…. or are you lamenting the fact that we have so many posters who seem unable to think… “ Like You…”

    In my defence, I only asked the question are you a closet Real Madrid fan, because tbf when I have previously made an off the cuff comment about RM’s record in the Champions League your reply was also extremely critical, however at no point did I say you were a RM fan, also I never stated that supporting any other club from another league as well as LFC, was an issue… supporting clubs from other leagues is entirely up to the individual and in no way does it affect any ones status as an LFC fan.

    I also only questioned how any one can be so confident that they know the absolute definitive truth about any legal situation, when you are relying on information from at best third parties.. ie journalists, fans, ex-players, Managers etc etc and at worst from sources who it could be argued have vested interests in one version of events over another…

    I would also like to think that we are all old enough and wise enough to know after witnessing numerous miscarriages of justice, that being found not guilty in court is also not absolute proof of innocence… in fact it could be argued that it reflects more on the quality of the lawyers employed, than it does on the validity of your innocence or guilt… Hence why Man City are currently throwing tens of millions of pounds on the best Legal defence available…

    Presenting and defending your arguments is one thing, but accusing others of a lack of understanding and intellect just because they don't quite see things the same way as you do or have the same level of interest in the subject as you do, just kills any likelihood of further debate dead in its tracks…
    Bullshit! What else is it but a lack of understanding when:

    Someone makes a claim without any foundation whatsoever? - Go on - have the decency to find any reference that could even be construed to support your claim. How & where have I ever even remotely defended Real? AND even if I had defended them IF they were in the right what on earth would be wrong in that? You then make the leap and go way further to suggest "I always" You are flat out wrong. Instead of the passive aggressive baloney - just deal with how wrong you are and accept it.

    YOU have totally misunderstood my position, my motive and seemingly have done so without the slightest idea what I have even said.


    Calling out a totally bogus claim for being bogus does not make you a supporter of the victim. That's just pointing our where someone is mistaken. Being critical of baloney should not need explanation or justification

  2. #8972
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    If Someone suggests that Tony Blair should have been locked away years ago (Iraq debacle solved and justice served) for misleading parliament - I say Bollox. HE didn't do that. Parliament was not misled... mostly they were complicit as were the media.

    The fact that he and Bush should be locked up along with Alistair Campbell for being the biggest instigators of the campaign (US would never have gone in alone) consisting of multiple fabrications to facilitate an illegal war invade and kill over 1 millions Iraqi people - but did so anyway. That he should stand trial at the Hague for lying about WMD when he knew full well that there were none.

    AM I defending Tony - the murderer cunt - Blair?

    This is what I mean when I suggest some struggle with "a lack of understanding and intellect". What else could it be. One thing has - or should have nothing to do with the other.

  3. #8973
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Bullshit! What else is it but a lack of understanding when:

    Someone makes a claim without any foundation whatsoever? - Go on - have the decency to find any reference that could even be construed to support your claim. How & where have I ever even remotely defended Real? AND even if I had defended them IF they were in the right what on earth would be wrong in that?

    YOU have totally misunderstood my position, my motive and seemingly have done so without the slightest idea what I have even said. You then make the leap and go way further to suggest "I always" You are flat out wrong. Instead of the passive aggressive baloney - just deal with how wrong you are and accept it.


    Calling out a totally bogus claim for being bogus does not make you a supporter of the victim. That's just pointing our where someone is mistaken. Being critical of baloney should not need explanation or justification
    I am really do not understand why you are taking offence, my comments were not related to any claim against Real Madrid, my comments were related to your confident stance that you know the absolute truth on the matter… nothing more.

    My previous comments on Real Madrid’s record in the Champions League were based on historical fact, not my opinion.

    However, what i did try to do with my comment was provide some context to those facts. It was this which you seemed to take particular exception too, and you made your feelings on my attempts to contextualise quite clear… hence my comment on your seemingly strong stance on matters relating to Real Madrid… nothing more.

    Tbf to me, I did not say, " You always", i actually said “ You always seem to “ which is a subtle but important difference, so I have to disagree on your passive aggressive baloney comment.

  4. #8974
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    ON WHAT MATTER? Have you even read the charge against the 4 Spanish clubs regarding 'state aid'..

    STATE AID.. It's peanuts too.. - it's a claim from 2011..this is a tax discrepancy largely down to grey areas in EU/Spanish law and football clubs NOT being PLC's as naturally the EU want them to be.

    The 'state aid' situation was used in a link - to back up a claim that "Real Madrid" are "state funded cheats"....and we are talking exclusively here as it was used as the reasoning behind WHY they have been so successful....

    Seriously - what in the living fook has this to do with them being a "state funded cheat"..? And to challenge that claim YOU are accusing me of defending Real Madrid.

    It is beyond moronic. It is laughable and frankly why I don't think I am going to bother. Maybe you can have a nice rounded convo with Justme.. He seems to be about the level in here.

    And we all know Reals record in the European Cup.. Are you going to start calling them cheats too.? That's it is it.. they won way more than the rest so they are cheats. Close book and shut up or you're a Real fans.. FFS.

    As for ...I "always seem to"... Give some examples - you know - so we can see where you are coming from..
    Last edited by Steveo; 16th October 2024 at 02:20 PM.

  5. #8975
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    I don't see where you are going.

    I am unimpressed to date - as we have only done 50% of what Real or Spurs have done with their redevelopments which encompass the entire stadium and imo constitutes the meaning of the word redevelopment. Had FSG just said we will build 1 or 2 new stands back in 2010 - there would have been rumblings.

    Fact: Everton's Ground IS on the waterfont and looks impressive even if you are a red. Go and have a look around. It's location is better than L4 for a few key reasons, mainly logistical but also the visual.. but that's Everton.

    I was always eager to stay at Anfield too - I have deep rooted family links to the area..BUT I was also pushing for a capacity increase way beyond the 60,000 ceiling - as this is the ONLY way to satisfy demand for tickets. Something which isn't of primary concern to owners who know that the sweet spot financially is where we are now - with the increase (relatively speaking) in the number of corporate facilities - seats and lounges. More money in TV revenues than bums on the cheap seats.

    As for corners filled in - yep - would help with those extra seats and we could easily make our redevelopment mirror what was done at the magnificent (my personal favourite) Westfalen in Dortmund. Which is a proper and traditional club stadium, not as some call them "a bowl".

    Taking red glasses off - the overall look of Anfield (that's as a single entity) as a building/Stadia has been compromised. It's more impressive in height but also now lacks any real cohesion aesthetically. It does look like a collection of stands. This is simply because ONLY 2 of the 4 stands have been addressed. Something I have repeatedly made suggestions for.

    But my views on this have absolutely no bearing on me "Defending" Real. How on earth could anyone even make that leap? Certainly they could not HAD the actually read what I have said.

    It is however a fact though - that Real Madrid's redevelopment of an already bigger and more impressive ground to an order of magnitude better stadia is light years ahead of our own...That is just the reality.
    Nothing to do with defending Real Madrid as a club who enjoy a totally unique situation... mainly due to years of spending like lunatics - and capturing the very best players around year in year out...then winning and winning relentlessly down the decades.

    This is also reality.

    Real Madrid are not or even close to being "State Funded"...and are in fact further removed from that than a club like our own - seemingly was gifted for half price (clear the debt) in a closed bid to billionaire investors from across the pond via a yank at the head of the UK banking sector. (CEO of Barklays)

    And to be clear....this entire to and fro has only occurred to pepper this thread with unrelated commentary due to justme bringing it into an unrelated discussion after I dared call out the claim that Real are "state funded".
    We've discussed the redevelopment alot over the years. I've a few posts on this page

    Said, I don't have as much faith as you in public utterances & suspect longer term we'll see the newer stand/end be mirrored in time. That presently the safe standing ruling/decision is waited on for future plans & properties are bought up for further expansion whilst needing to acquire a few more.

  6. #8976
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    According to Marca, TAA has a verbal agreement with Real Madrid to join them for free in 2025, with the possibility of joining them in January.

    Looks like the RM PR engine has started to work. They are already getting Davies on a free, and TAA would replace Carvajal on the right.

  7. #8977
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    IF we offer Trent a good deal and he doesn't stay thats his choice. he can fuck off there.. Anyone wants to leave our great club they can go. when he returns to England in future. I wouldn't resign him either. Hes finished in my mind.. saying that if he does stay then. hes made the right call
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  8. #8978
    Out of the three notable contracts we're still yet to sort out, in terms of priority for me Trent's is at the bottom of that list.

    If he or any of our other players think that the grass is greener elsewhere, they can go. You'd like to think the Coutinho situation would have proved that to them, but then again perhaps not.

  9. #8979
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RedMagic View Post
    Out of the three notable contracts we're still yet to sort out, in terms of priority for me Trent's is at the bottom of that list.

    If he or any of our other players think that the grass is greener elsewhere, they can go. You'd like to think the Coutinho situation would have proved that to them, but then again perhaps not.
    Imagine if real sign all 3 !! Trent on a 5 year, Virgil & Salah for 2 years !! An argument each would boost their current 11.

  10. #8980
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Imagine if real sign all 3 !! Trent on a 5 year, Virgil & Salah for 2 years !! An argument each would boost their current 11.
    Virgil apparently is happy at the club and wants to sign a new contract, whilst given Salah's history with Madrid I very much doubt he'd want to join them. If he leaves it's likely he'll join the Saudi league where he would probably be on at least £1m per week

    If Madrid signed all three of those players it would raise even more questions about Real Madrid's finances given the wages and signing on sweeteners all three of those players would command, never mind the current wages and bonuses involving the likes of Mbappe, Vinicius, Bellingham etc.

    Trent's demeanour has been 'off' for quite a while. I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if he leaves. I think we'd cope without him. I'd be a lot more worried if one if not both of the other two left the club.

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