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Thread: The Three Amigos

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Unlike Keita who we…? Bought at the right time I suppose?

    Good sound bites because they are the truth.

    The reality is - selling players OR letting them go is absolutely fine, part and parcel of the game IF you replace them.

    This is the issue that seems too difficult for some of our the lesser spotted Celtic brethren to grasp.

    Gini wasn’t replaced - Some have tried to suggest Thiago was that man. He was brought in before but far too little far too late. He absolutely was not a replacement either. EVEN if we want to try and say black is white - it is ridiculous.

    To replace an almost ever green - ever fit gymnastic dynamo, a lynchpin in a ‘heavy metal’ setup - with an aging (almost 30) genius with a terrible fitness record, built to operate in dominant sides playing purist football. 🤪. Not a chance

    No - the fact is Klopp made miracles happen. The fact players fell apart after being under his wing is testimony to that fact. And we are very much dining out on his legacy right now.

    BUT the club was as remiss more recently on the midfield - as it was a few years earlier with the back line…. We have still done great BUT it’s a crying shame as it has cost us big time and is surely part of what made Klopp’s job far tougher than it needed to be.

    He has 2x Prem titles and at least 2x CL with us with better backing.

    Those who want to call that crap - are not fooling anyone.

    Mo Salah - sign him up…!

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    True North
    I do think there's merit in the idea that we're still dining out on Klopp's legacy. It's still his team after all. But if you think Klopp performed miracles, then you must also think that Slot is performing a miracle. I wouldn't go that far. As I've said repeatedly, we have a very good squad.

    Whether Gini was replaced like for like or not, our midfield is as good now as it has been in a long time. It's not perfect but it's very good. I think everyone gets credit for that. The club, Klopp and Slot. It's too simplistic to say it's all down to one man.

    Henderson and Fabinho didn't fall apart after they left Klopp, they fell apart before they left LFC. Their legs had gone and the club was right to rebuild. I'd argue that Mane, Gini and most of the others that were sold fall into a similar bracket. At the very least we sold at or close to the right time.

    Which brings us to 32 year old Mo Salah and 33 year old VVD. They will fall off a cliff performance wise at some point in the near future. There will come a time when they need to be moved on. Nobody knows when exactly that is but it's not as simple as "Sign him up". Fans are usually blind to that stuff so "Sign him up" makes for a nice slogan. It's the job of the club to be much more considered and make sure that whatever they do is in the best interests of LFC, and not any one individual.
    VOTE JOCKY tae fix this fiasco.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    No…Slot is not performing miracles. He is doing a fantastic job. BUT he is possibly the ONLY manager I can think of - in recent times - who has inherited a side built by and left by a genius - a genius who lives the club and who CRUCIALLY wasn’t sacked.

    Klopp did everything he could for the cause and could not continue for whatever reason. Not only did he pass the team on to the next manager he literally sang the man’s song live at Anfield for those who weren’t paying attention.

    This IS Klopp’s team - it hasn’t been touched - literally. Slot is simply steering the ship - doing it very well too, Improving in some areas on Klopp’s game style imo (imagine a fit Thiago in this team)…. But that’s the reality.

    And we all know Hendo and Fab were done well before they went. Totally rinsed - played way too many big games running way too many hard miles. That’s what happens with little to no rotation. This is all part of the point. How considered were the club across those years when this was also - so obvious and plain to see?

    What is plain to see right now - is that IF we let Mo Salah go, we will massively regret it.

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    True North
    Your argument doesn't stack up. If Klopp performed miracles, how is Slot any different considering he's doing a better job with the same team? He's performing a bigger miracle if anything.

    You don't have to look too far for someone who was in a similar situation to Slot. David Moyes took over from Ferguson. Wihch backs up even further the point about Slot doing an incredible job (so far).

    Again, it's easy to say "Sign him up". You don't know what his demands are. There's a limit to what we are willing to pay, even for Mo Salah. I hope he stays for at least another year but I'll understand if they can't reach an agreement. We'll move on.
    VOTE JOCKY tae fix this fiasco.

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    How is he doing a better job? It is the same team and they have been together for more than a year. That midfield was playing together for the first time EVER last term. Are you sure you know anything bout the sport?

    Frankly Klopp was right to say he felt last season was one of it not his biggest achievement. Replaced an entire senior midfield.

    And comparing Slot in for Klopp - with Moyes following Fergie is beyond wide of the mark. It’s disingenuous. Fergie had run the squad into the ground so badly NOBODY today can fathom how he won that last title.

    He left them in an absolute state then ordained the geezer he KNEW had no hope at all. Fergie is the archetypal opposite of Jurgen. A dour, sour Scot (you should know the type) and totally in it for himself. A megalomaniac. Fergie wants the club to remember success and think of Fergie.

    Klopp on the other hand rebuilt the entire belief system at Anfield. He turned the mentality at the club completely around. But when he knew he was leaving - he strives to leave club in the best state possible - literally the opposite of Whiskey nose.

    As for Salah’s demands - obviously there is a limit. Nobody in thier right mind would except the club being held to ransom… Mo won’t do that.

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    True North
    I might point you to the Premier League table and the Champions League and ask you to explain how Slot isn't doing better than last season. It's simply a fact. Just as it's a fact that City are doing worse. I'm not sure what your argument is here.

    The Moyes/Slot comparison is apt. Both took over from club legends. We can debate the relative strengths of each team but Utd pissed the league in Ferguson's last season and haven't won it since. The rest is speculation.

    And if Mo's not holding the club to randsom, then please share his demands and we'll decide for ourselves. Otherwise that's just more waffle with no substance.
    VOTE JOCKY tae fix this fiasco.

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ornstein saying we have offered Virgil a contract.

    He doesn't tend to release stuff lightly - suspect this is done, though of course we don't know for sure.

  8. #148
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

  9. #149
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

  10. #150
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    Ornstein saying we have offered Virgil a contract.

    He doesn't tend to release stuff lightly - suspect this is done, though of course we don't know for sure.
    Yes - that sounds promising...Virgil wants to stay and it has felt like not much has to change for that to happen.



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