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Thread: BELIEVE in yourselves

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    BELIEVE in yourselves

    Pretty straight forward, this team know how good they are, for me part of our poor league form has been how it has been through the drip feed of all forms of media and how they are presenting it

    Adverse CBT is a condition that affects over 95% of the population. CBT is a technique originally designed to help people with mental health issues, anxiety, phobias and fears of certain things, often caused by trauma, to accept things they have become unable to accept or cope with through a process of repeatedly exposing themselves to the environments containing these things over time, that can prove successful if ‘nothing bad happens’ so the brain believes over time exposure to these things is now safe.

    However, as Einstein wrote in 1949 about the dangers of the rich controlling all forms of communication, they have employed sophisticated CBT techniques through this for decades, to shape and develop people’s neural pathways to accept a great number of things as normal, that they never should have accepted and to shape and form misguided views and people’s perceptions of certain groups, most frequently to divert and distract people from looking at or realising how drastically they have successfully changed a great many things for their benefit and to most other people’s detriment.

    The ‘trick’ and highly sophisticated nature of this adverse CBT is the subjects of it believe they are arriving at and developing these opinions, beliefs, false or hugely diminished values themselves, when they are being developed through a daily drip feed of deliberate misinformation, omission of information, direction and diversions through sources the same process over the decades has instilled the belief in them are ‘trusted’ and generations of afflicted people passing them down to each next generation in day to day family life.

    Practically every train of thought, decision, lifestyle choice, belief mechanism, and value every person afflicted has and believes to be their own and one they have arrived at themselves, is in actuality given to them or rather developed and instilled in them and they are choosing from a multiple choice list of options given to them through this process their entire lives.

    A huge part of the process is to plant the seed and feed, develop, grow and nurture it through the process to instil a vehement belief that any person not afflicted who sees the world as it really is and lives in the real world, which is not at all easy in any way and not the world with the wool pulled over their eyes is some kind of ‘loon’, ‘mentalist’ or ‘conspiracy theorist’ and instil and develop an extreme adverse reaction in the afflicted to attack, ostracise, ridicule or condemn that person. It is a highly developed feature in almost all people to behave like this
    What we're seeing with our players driven by the media and the officiating is continuous furthers attempts to plant seeds of doubt and a continuous drip feed of trying to reinforce, grow, feed and nurture those doubts and create self doubt within our players.

    They need to look at everything they have done and achieved and snap themselves out of that and make themselves impervious to it, fuck the last game, the last game has gone, everything always focused on the next game, and each next game being an opportunity, not 'to put things right' 'strike back' any of that nonsense talk, an opportunity to show their incredible ability, everything they have and can do better than any other team and winning it.

    If something happens we didn't want to happen in any game, fucking change it, respond to it, in the right way, calm, positive and determined and EXPECT to change that situation as they always have, even shorn of a few players there is enough collective ability and experience to come through this and react to things differently and every reason to react differently
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 9th March 2021 at 05:46 PM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Why change?

    As Hendo pertinently said in one post match interview last season

    I think this change is also part of what is affecting this group of players

    Last season, all forms of media were constantly trying to draw our players on whether they'd win a league title last season no Liverpool team had managed to win for 30 years - The purpose of this is to try and apply pressure, to create any anxiety or doubt they possibly could about our lads ability to get over the line

    Last season did the media start every interview with "You've been on an absolutely fantastic and incredible run, finding all sorts of different ways to win games when it looks like you're might drop some points in the last few games"?

    No, they did not do that, and when they tried to disturb our focus or create any anxiety or doubts about winning the league, we were resolute in our response each time, that we were taking it one game at a time, focusing entirely on the next game and trying to win it

    Why should we be drawn into negativity in interviews in our current situation? Why not adopt the same approach

    Last season when everything was going brilliantly for us, we were never drawn into what might happen or thinking 2, 3 or 4 games ahead, we were always focused on each next game. There's no point in dwelling on or mulling over and over what's already happened, and allowing ourselves to be drawn into what happened in the last 4, or 5 games, that's gone, it's history, we should only be focusing on everything we have done incredible well in any game, what we can improve and need to improve on and taking that into each next game
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 9th March 2021 at 07:06 PM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #3
    1963-64: Shankly’s LFC win title for first time in 16 years

    1964-65: Defending champs lose 15 league games & finish 7th.

    There’s ALWAYS a history lesson with LFC. Fortunately, Shankly didn’t have cretins doubting him in March 1965 & he still won FA Cup that May.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Great tribute to our incredible fans from Captain fantastic in his program notes ahead of tonight's game

    This has been a miserable year for everyone, with Jurgen and Big Bear both personally having suffered huge and tragic losses as sadly will have many of our fans whose stories we don't know and I'm sure all of our thoughts are with each and every one of them.

    As great a part in our successes as our fans have played, the players and staff need to remember that THEY achieved those things, they were the one's on the pitch and in this year of all years they have to find it within themselves to do it for the fans who can't be with them and all those who are sadly no longer with us

    For a great many fans, certainly for me personally, there has been precious little to look forward to, I'm not somehow protected and shielded and more comfortable because of the finances my profession afford me though this period, and my only highlight, the only thing I ever have to look forward to and do look forward to, not just this year, but for the past several years, is seeing my beloved reds take to the field and give their all in playing a game of football, it's all I have and all a great many people have.

    We may not be able to be there with them, but every single one of us is still glued to our TV set, live stream, radio or live updates on whichever device for every minute of every game, willing them on, cheering them on with the same verocity as ever, with the belief they will give us just a little light in these dark times, a little lift, to put some cheer in our hearts, a smile on our face and a spring in our step for a few hours to a couple of days, by finding it within themselves to bring themselves to perform at the incredible and breath taking levels we have all becomed so accustomed to and getting a win.

    Pressure is not going onto a football field in a good or bad run trying to get a result, it isn't match officials letting the opposition persistently foul you and looking to give the opposition something at every opportunity, it isn't losing an early goal from a stupid mistake when you've been struggling for goals, these aren't things that should make your head drop if you consider what so many of the fans who support you so fiercely, loyally and vehemently go through each and every day.

    These things aren't pressure, they're minor inconveniences and should be something to embrace, look forward to, rise to the challenge of and make the very most of every minute and every situation of every time they get the opportunity to wear the famous Liverpool red and never lose sight that YOU the players have the power and all the incredible ability and togetherness you need to change all of that in any game you play.

    Pressure is having to chose to heat or to eat, working every hour God sends to try and feed, clothe and keep warm your family and yourself and still having to go to the food bank, pressure is being trapped and helpless watching the small business you've built up over several years falling to ruin and crumbling under spiraling debt because you can't open your doors for business.

    As brilliant as they are and as hard as they all have worked to get to the incredible level of footballing ability they possess, our players still need to appreciate just how lucky they are, and how any pressure, issue or problem they have or feel or encounter is nothing compared to the millions worldwide who love and support them and often forgo a number of things in order to be able to.

    Tonight is an incredible opportunity for our lads to shine some much needed light for so many who otherwise have none as is each next game and every single time they set foot on a football field wearing the Liverpool red

    Get the win lads
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    Great tribute to our incredible fans from Captain fantastic in his program notes ahead of tonight's game

    This has been a miserable year for everyone, with Jurgen and Big Bear both personally having suffered huge and tragic losses as sadly will have many of our fans whose stories we don't know and I'm sure all of our thoughts are with each and every one of them.

    As great a part in our successes as our fans have played, the players and staff need to remember that THEY achieved those things, they were the one's on the pitch and in this year of all years they have to find it within themselves to do it for the fans who can't be with them and all those who are sadly no longer with us

    For a great many fans, certainly for me personally, there has been precious little to look forward to, I'm not somehow protected and shielded and more comfortable because of the finances my profession afford me though this period, and my only highlight, the only thing I ever have to look forward to and do look forward to, not just this year, but for the past several years, is seeing my beloved reds take to the field and give their all in playing a game of football, it's all I have and all a great many people have.

    We may not be able to be there with them, but every single one of us is still glued to our TV set, live stream, radio or live updates on whichever device for every minute of every game, willing them on, cheering them on with the same verocity as ever, with the belief they will give us just a little light in these dark times, a little lift, to put some cheer in our hearts, a smile on our face and a spring in our step for a few hours to a couple of days, by finding it within themselves to bring themselves to perform at the incredible and breath taking levels we have all becomed so accustomed to and getting a win.

    Pressure is not going onto a football field in a good or bad run trying to get a result, it isn't match officials letting the opposition persistently foul you and looking to give the opposition something at every opportunity, it isn't losing an early goal from a stupid mistake when you've been struggling for goals, these aren't things that should make your head drop if you consider what so many of the fans who support you so fiercely, loyally and vehemently go through each and every day.

    These things aren't pressure, they're minor inconveniences and should be something to embrace, look forward to, rise to the challenge of and make the very most of every minute and every situation of every time they get the opportunity to wear the famous Liverpool red and never lose sight that YOU the players have the power and all the incredible ability and togetherness you need to change all of that in any game you play.

    Pressure is having to chose to heat or to eat, working every hour God sends to try and feed, clothe and keep warm your family and yourself and still having to go to the food bank, pressure is being trapped and helpless watching the small business you've built up over several years falling to ruin and crumbling under spiraling debt because you can't open your doors for business.

    As brilliant as they are and as hard as they all have worked to get to the incredible level of footballing ability they possess, our players still need to appreciate just how lucky they are, and how any pressure, issue or problem they have or feel or encounter is nothing compared to the millions worldwide who love and support them and often forgo a number of things in order to be able to.

    Tonight is an incredible opportunity for our lads to shine some much needed light for so many who otherwise have none as is each next game and every single time they set foot on a football field wearing the Liverpool red

    Get the win lads
    There it is! Thanks lads, same again next game please
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”



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