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Thread: Racism

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    If you mean in a political sense. No.

    As a piece of art detached from its political meaning I dont have any major thoughts on it as a piece of art. I'm not much of an art critic and it's not a piece that seems overly impressive.

    If I can draw it, or spray paint a shite blue, I tend to not value its artistic merit.
    There are some logos I cant draw but I dont find logos to be particularly artistic.
    The question was regarding the use of a swastika.
    My question remains as in a historical sense. Is it ok? It is still quite recent history since some madman wanted to control this Earth

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Bloody hell, what's the world coming to when you can't have a bit of light harted casual racism between friends 🤣🤣

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Bloody hell, what's the world coming to when you can't have a bit of light harted casual racism between friends 🤣🤣
    I wish it was always thus Ian but is it!
    This is the place for such debates.
    Such posts on the football forum manytimes override the football forum debate with many decent posts on the racism subject getting lost in the mists of time.
    Here the arguments from all parties is more coherent.
    State your piece on racism!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The good old saying “ I’m not racist, I have friends that are foreign” still baffles me or, the “I’m not racist, but”

    I don’t mind lighthearted racism towards myself. It’s never bothered me between friends. Depends on how you look at it. Other “foreign not white friends” are allowed to jokingly be racist towards you, but when the solitary white one is, it’s with actual racist intent.

    On Twitter recently, a guy clearly of Asian origin, was talking about the cheating English in the semi finals, the English guy responded with “ just stick to enjoying cricket” anyone consider that as racist? He pleaded innocence saying “I’m not being racist, I just looked at his profile and he likes cricket” It’s those types where they want to be subtly racist and get away with it on a technicality. The openly racist? Respect them, they don’t hide their shithousery

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    The good old saying “ I’m not racist, I have friends that are foreign” still baffles me or, the “I’m not racist, but”

    I don’t mind lighthearted racism towards myself. It’s never bothered me between friends. Depends on how you look at it. Other “foreign not white friends” are allowed to jokingly be racist towards you, but when the solitary white one is, it’s with actual racist intent.

    On Twitter recently, a guy clearly of Asian origin, was talking about the cheating English in the semi finals, the English guy responded with “ just stick to enjoying cricket” anyone consider that as racist? He pleaded innocence saying “I’m not being racist, I just looked at his profile and he likes cricket” It’s those types where they want to be subtly racist and get away with it on a technicality. The openly racist? Respect them, they don’t hide their shithousery
    Good to see you posting your thoughts TheDoc1979.
    That was the intention of my thread. It is a complicated issue. I never regarded myself as racist until someone I hardly knew in a pub I used to go to branded me as the most racist person he had ever met.
    When I asked him (several times) what his view of me was based on he could never answer.
    Finally one day when we were outside alone I asked him quite politely again, he went inside and out came the barstaff and his mates and I left and never weny back there.
    What was that all about?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Good to see you posting your thoughts TheDoc1979.
    That was the intention of my thread. It is a complicated issue. I never regarded myself as racist until someone I hardly knew in a pub I used to go to branded me as the most racist person he had ever met.
    When I asked him (several times) what his view of me was based on he could never answer.
    Finally one day when we were outside alone I asked him quite politely again, he went inside and out came the barstaff and his mates and I left and never weny back there.
    What was that all about?
    He probably liked you and wanted to show all his mates he pulled?

    Do you not remember any specifics ?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    He probably liked you and wanted to show all his mates he pulled?

    Do you not remember any specifics ?
    The only specifics I recall is a guy I knew turned up and stood beside me briefly then looked at the opposition and changed sides. Perhaps because he had been mates with them far longer than with me.
    The landlord was there and said come back tomorrow and everything will be ok.
    I never went back.
    Full of bullshit - the whole bunch.
    In retrospect I wish I had called that guy who called me the most racist person he had ever met the most idiotic person I had ever met.
    Fair of skin, overweight mid 20s with pony tail, always with contrasting black clothes,
    Always listening to old rock music which he found exciting but which I found no longer exciting and regarded himself as an intellectual.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    The question was regarding the use of a swastika.
    My question remains as in a historical sense. Is it ok? It is still quite recent history since some madman wanted to control this Earth
    I personally would only use it as a form of parody, mockery or provoking thought.
    For example the new pride flag, using 4 of these you can create a swastika in a different colour scheme.
    Or if people wanted to use some of the logos of leading corporations to create a swastika that would be another form.
    Of course people could use other symbols/colour schemes/flag motifs to generate their own though provoking artistic pieces.

    I wouldn't use it as a serious piece of a movement. But then I wouldn't use the communist fist as BLM do either.
    Nor would I be on the bbc defending Mao for example as Abbott has done. Mao to paraphrase if half the world died for utopia it would be a price worth paying.
    I wouldnt open up a Mao restaurant, though I did enjoy some fine dining there in Dublin with the son of a Chinese billionaire who himself pointed out the irony of such an enterprise.

    As per the BLM and race Marxism, the holocaust is indeed rather recent. The idea that punching up from a little lower down using many of the same grievances is a little sad imo.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    The good old saying “ I’m not racist, I have friends that are foreign” still baffles me or, the “I’m not racist, but”

    I don’t mind lighthearted racism towards myself. It’s never bothered me between friends. Depends on how you look at it. Other “foreign not white friends” are allowed to jokingly be racist towards you, but when the solitary white one is, it’s with actual racist intent.

    On Twitter recently, a guy clearly of Asian origin, was talking about the cheating English in the semi finals, the English guy responded with “ just stick to enjoying cricket” anyone consider that as racist? He pleaded innocence saying “I’m not being racist, I just looked at his profile and he likes cricket” It’s those types where they want to be subtly racist and get away with it on a technicality. The openly racist? Respect them, they don’t hide their shithousery
    Maybe I dont talk to any other races might be more compelling as all these racists seem to have other race friends ?

    Can you explain how the stick to cricket reply was actually racist ? I've no idea what you are on about.
    If the person did indeed have a cricket bit in their bio or whatever it's called, then I think youd have to give that person the benefit of the doubt.

    Personally I saw the term anglophobia being thrown about after the semifinal penalty winner.
    For me this is merely a new age blasphemy, whereby having removed blasphemy from the statutes theres the new age blasphemy laws to contend with now.

    For me the right to free expression trumps the right to gag and bound others. Seen too many cases of the police being involved with Twitter spats, people sharing posts even or training their dog to do the nazi salute.
    If I were boko I would cut all police funding for such ventures and repeal the hate speech laws brought in under blair.
    If people find Twitter too toxic to handle, they can leave it much as if they find porn sites too violent, the state is not obliged to protect you from your own online virtual behaviours.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I personally wouldnt say the stick to cricket thing is racist. Its like saying stick to baseball to an American. Is that racist? It's not to do with skin colour but could be classed as cultural. A sport related snipe - not racist for me?
    I can see where the remark could draw that conclusion though.



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