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Thread: The Steveo/Balinkay battle thread

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    And yet you seem so compelled to spend so much of your time responding.. Let's have the truth Bali. The truth..

    You invent a commentary and then attack it.. You are off the wall bro..
    Ah, yeah, of course - you've been quiet all day, said nothing. Do you read this stuff, or do you reserve that torture for the rest of us?

    I don't invent anything - when I see a snide cunt who's negatively impacting the quality of discussion on a place I quite like, I try to do stuff about it - you are snide cunt and are, imo, making the forum a worse place with your snide cuntishness. Usually adults are able to resolve this shite by having a calm discussion, explaining what they meant, and apologising if appropriate, but you don't seem capable of that. Nah, you just double down on your xenophobic and personal drivel and are now squirming to find a way out. What complete nonsense you've posted again, you cactus dildo.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    BTW - you do realise that adding a to the end of a rabidly angered diatribe doesn't make it anymore befitting of a "harmonious tone"... But to be quite frank some of your put downs are pretty funny - I will give you that.
    Well thank you, I appreciate the last bit.

    I'm done trying to talk with you like I do with most other posters on here - you've proven yourself time and time again incapable of a decent discussion by retreating to snide remarks and ad hominem as quickly as possible.

    In this discussion I tried to give you an out at least three times - "hey, Kev also took issue with my comment - here's the explanation", "go back and read" [or somewhat more snary words to that effect]... nah... you didn't care. You just kept piling on the shite before moving over to snide comments about my heritage and where I live and what mental issues that might cause me. Fucking hell man, how low can you stoop? Imagine if I actually were in such a bad place mentally? Thank fuck I live in a truly awesome country and have basically never had to endure any discrimination whatsoever. Honestly don't think I could take it.

    We all know how your comments about my heritage sound and what's usually meant by them. That's why I say you act like a xenophobic prick on here, but I sincerely hope you're not like that irl. If you were straight with it, I'd even be less annoyed. If that's your view, just come out and say you think we're racist pricks and we can talk about it in the Off Topic if you want. I'd be interested in that. But fuck me, this underhanded snide shite... come on man, get real.

    I don't appreciate going after traits someone can do nothing about - who says something doesn't matter. Even less so when it's in such a snide and cuntish manner. If you've got a problem with me - come out and say it. If you think I'm calling your comments xenophobic because actually I'm racist - come out and fucking say it. Don't be posting WW2 uniforms like a thirteen year old on 4chan and then claiming it was to further the discussion. It's fucking disgusting, you pair of used diapers.

    Edit: added missing clause
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  3. #33
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    Oct 2011
    Perhaps this place just means a little too much to you Bali.. Sorry to have sullied your laughing place but in all honesty you brought this upon yourself. Nobody is squirming either - it was weasel before but squirm seems to be the new go to word.

    I made a fucking comment on your statement and you didn't like it - it was YOU who started degenerating the language - go back and take a look it is all there.. 3 times you tried - 3 times I turned the other cheek. Then finally I responded with what you call an attack

    "When I see a snide cunt who's negatively impacting the quality of discussion on a place I quite like, I try to do stuff about it - you are snide cunt and are, imo, making the forum a worse place with your snide cuntishness."

    And when I see a stuck up little twat who thinks he can call people a dick or senile or worse for no reason simply for stating an opinion I retaliate.. Sounds fair to me

    Were you the little shit in the playground who pinched and pinched and then went and told the teacher when you got hit..?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Well thank you, I appreciate the last bit.

    I'm done trying to talk with you like I do with most other posters on here - you've proven yourself time and time again incapable of a decent discussion by retreating to snide remarks and ad hominem as quickly as possible.

    In this discussion I tried to give you an out at least three times - "hey, Kev also took issue with my comment - here's the explanation", "go back and read" [or somewhat more snary words to that effect]... nah... you didn't care. You just kept piling on the shite before moving over to snide comments about my heritage and where I live and what mental issues that might cause me. Fucking hell man, how low can you stoop? Imagine if I actually were in such a bad place mentally? Thank fuck I live in a truly awesome country and have basically never had to endure any discrimination whatsoever. Honestly don't think I could take it.

    We all know how your comments about my heritage sound and what's usually meant by them. That's why I say you act like a xenophobic prick on here, but I sincerely hope you're not like that irl. If you were straight with it, I'd even be less annoyed. If that's your view, just come out and say you think we're racist pricks and we can talk about it in the Off Topic if you want. I'd be interested in that. But fuck me, this underhanded snide shite... come on man, get real.

    I don't appreciate going after traits someone can do nothing about - who says something doesn't matter. Even less so when it's in such a snide and cuntish manner. If you've got a problem with me - come out and say it. If you think I'm calling your comments xenophobic because actually I'm racist - come out and fucking say it. Don't be posting WW2 uniforms like a thirteen year old on 4chan and then claiming it was to further the discussion. It's fucking disgusting, you pair of used diapers.

    Edit: added missing clause
    Bullshit - You call it dog whistle using an image of a dog whistle - so I post an image of a cunt in a cunts uniform and tell you where to stick it- don't be telling me what I can and cannot post you control freak.. Fuck off with that. You just don't like it because it shames you.. ADMIT IT you fucking plank.
    Last edited by Steveo; 5th November 2020 at 06:03 PM.

  5. #35
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    City of Self Doubt
    Of course this place means a lot to me, you mouldy end piece of bread. I've been posting on here for eight fucking years! I have 16 000 posts!

    You made a comment on my statement without reading the clarification of said statement I provided in response to Kev! Three fucking times I told you that. If you actually gave a shite about my statement and what I meant by it, you'd have taken the chance acknowledge or in any way interact with the clarification, which my original statement needed. You didn't. Because you couldn't stand to admit you missed two posts or were too stupid to read them so you resorted to your typical snide cuntish tactics.

    Then you go after my homeland with your complete and utter nonsense. "I thought racism might be an issue there, so I posted this WW2 uniform". Do you listen to yourself? Do you wonder why I call you senile? Spoilers: it's not really because of your age - it's because half the shite you post is unrelated to the rest of the conversation.

    I mean fucking hell, would it have killed you to say "What did you mean when you said he wasn't pacy"? No, but you're too much of a snide and condescending stubborn cunt to even think about doing that. You ever wonder why it's only with you I have these spats from time to time and noone else?

    Edit: It's not up to me to tell you what you can and can't post. There's rules and mods for that. You're (sadly) not banned yet, so I guess my expectations of what is and isn't allowed were off.

    Edit edit: And what fucking hell shame are you even talking about? Like, seriously? This would be an example of why I call you senile. You senile prick.
    Last edited by Balinkay; 5th November 2020 at 06:28 PM.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    What you been on here 8 years and you haven't stolen one Apple yet? damn your will power is amazing
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Steveo ohhh the shame of it.. Don't let someone call you a mouldy piece of bread. Get stuck in there lad.
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Well it is clear he doesn't even know when he has hit a winner.. "illiterate cheese wedge". that's the one.. 10 out of 10 for that.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Thank you. I knew you'd like that one. My personal favourite too tbf.

    Fuck this petty insult hurling shite - fun while it lasted, but I'm getting bored of it now:

    just tell me straight up - did you honestly not realise how your mention of who and where I am would look? I mean, sure I got no issues with you bustin' my chops that I'm from a shitehole country and "ran away". I do the same all the time.

    Did you honestly not think that'd look out of order to me? Not to mention the snide Lukov stuff? Try to be honest here so we can either bury the hatchet and move on or just ignore each other, seeing as vin seems unwilling to whip out the hammer?
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Banned then reinstated..

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