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Thread: Who would you vote for?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Calm down, CC, it's a joke.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    Spot on!...Labour always win the Torfaen seat where I am in Wales but I'd never vote for them with that prick Corbyn in charge!!...As for the Conservatives.....Pffft!...Tossers the lot of em!!...
    I'm in Blaenau Gwent, which is usually Labour - because of historic reasons, coal mining (gone), steel works (gone).

    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    What is it about Corbyn that means you wouldn't vote for labour now, if I read your right ?

    Would you prefer a more blairesque party leader ?
    Corbyn seems to be almost communist in his views, and seems to support terrorism (along with Diane Abbott) - IRA, British ISIS members who want to come back to the UK.
    Bliar's party seemed a more reasonable alternative at the time - less left-wing and therefore more acceptable to the electorate.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Calm down, CC, it's a joke.
    Apologies balinkay

  4. #14
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    I'd vote Labour every time, the establishment are scared to death of Corbyn and not for the reasons they would have people believe, there are things that desperately need to be done to try and begin restoring the once working model that the Tories broke by selling off public services, social housing (without replacing it) and fiddling the inflation register for the last 40 years (including Blair) and Corbyn is the only politician who will deliver that.

    If I was minted, I would actually pay to commission an LSE report on how inflation has been fiddled by Tory policies for the past 40 years and what 'real inflation' versus 'wage inflation' has actually been over that time and how those policies not the EU have caused pretty much all the issues the UK faces. If people actually learned the truth of what the last 40 years has done to the UK on every level prior to the next election happening it would be a Labour landslide and the Tories would be rightfully almost completely wiped out, it is absolutely scandalous what their policies have done to the UK, to normal working class people, to immigration figures, to the incredible uneccessary stress levels people have to live under which cause the ever escalating number of people suffering mental illness.

    It really doesn't have to and never should have got to this point, Blair is hugely responsible, he came at a time when the working classes were absolute desperately for a real Labour party to begin reversing the damage Tory policies had done, I know a hell of a lot of people who voted for Blair, not because of his policies, but because they believed that these were mostly policies he had to implement to get in the door and then as time progressed, that he would change policies to be more in line with what the UK really needed, and after voting him in twice and this not happening, massive swathes of people completely lost all hope and faith in all political parties. Blair created the actuality of the phrase that 'it doesn't matter who you vote for, they're all the same' and gave rise to the Far Right parties and UKIP's through being the same as the Tories, failing to deliver what the UK needed as he, his 'disciples', Tories and Lib Dems all regularly voted through policy together during his fraudulent reign, lining their own pockets and feathering their own nests and to hell with fixing the broken model
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #15
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    I'd vote Labour every time, the establishment are scared to death of Corbyn and not for the reasons they would have people believe, there are things that desperately need to be done to try and begin restoring the once working model that the Tories broke by selling off public services, social housing (without replacing it) and fiddling the inflation register for the last 40 years (including Blair) and Corbyn is the only politician who will deliver that.

    If I was minted, I would actually pay to commission an LSE report on how inflation has been fiddled by Tory policies for the past 40 years and what 'real inflation' versus 'wage inflation' has actually been over that time and how those policies not the EU have caused pretty much all the issues the UK faces. If people actually learned the truth of what the last 40 years has done to the UK on every level prior to the next election happening it would be a Labour landslide and the Tories would be rightfully almost completely wiped out, it is absolutely scandalous what their policies have done to the UK, to normal working class people, to immigration figures, to the incredible uneccessary stress levels people have to live under which cause the ever escalating number of people suffering mental illness.

    It really doesn't have to and never should have got to this point, Blair is hugely responsible, he came at a time when the working classes were absolute desperately for a real Labour party to begin reversing the damage Tory policies had done, I know a hell of a lot of people who voted for Blair, not because of his policies, but because they believed that these were mostly policies he had to implement to get in the door and then as time progressed, that he would change policies to be more in line with what the UK really needed, and after voting him in twice and this not happening, massive swathes of people completely lost all hope and faith in all political parties. Blair created the actuality of the phrase that 'it doesn't matter who you vote for, they're all the same' and gave rise to the Far Right parties and UKIP's through being the same as the Tories, failing to deliver what the UK needed as he, his 'disciples', Tories and Lib Dems all regularly voted through policy together during his fraudulent reign, lining their own pockets and feathering their own nests and to hell with fixing the broken model
    Corbyn couldn't do what he wants to do within the eu framework. If hes lucky boris will take the uk out of the eu for him and perhaps thwart the rise of the Brexit party in doing so.
    If boris fails do take the uk out the eu, then it's likely the Tories get crushed by the Brexit party. The Brexit party is probably a far more likely gatherer of Brexit labour/left voters than the Tories in a general election. Same way lib dems are more likely for Tories. Given the almost religious or worse animosity between Tories and labourites that i see and suggest the animosity is slight harder from labour to Tory.

    If you look at that lordy Ashcroft poll, it would seem in the eu elections 45% had voted for Brexit and 50% for remain- unsurprising to me that slightly more remainers voted for the eu elections.
    Asked if the UK should leave or remain 50% said they should leave and 46% said they should stay. Only a poll.

    This is the remainers problem and corbyns labour party problem. There are a large amount of left wing reasons and voters for Brexit. They risk losing these if the go outright remain which it appears they will. Also there are remain voters who although they think Brexit was the wrong choice they understand that not respecting the result will likely lead to bigger problems.
    The remain side/the media consistently use polls to say they are a remain nation now. But this underestimates the almost one sided interim of canvassing and it also underscores the fact that there are remainers in there who do not think a second referendum is just and also think that the UK should leave to respect the vote.
    Voting on 2 options as to how to leave has legs.
    Say May's deal or no deal. Though that might require some movement in parliament.

    Corbyn strikes me as a weak leader. He should have come out strong on leaving the eu and sold the vision for a future outside the eu. Instead the left has increasingly given up on offering any hope for the future outside the eu and imo I think that is a poor strategy. If Britain does leave the EU they will have nothing to offer in terms of a positive future.
    There in this position as they've gone down the road of labelling the Brexit vote as fascist racist nazi scum.

  6. #16
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    I'm in Blaenau Gwent, which is usually Labour - because of historic reasons, coal mining (gone), steel works (gone).

    Corbyn seems to be almost communist in his views, and seems to support terrorism (along with Diane Abbott) - IRA, British ISIS members who want to come back to the UK.
    Bliar's party seemed a more reasonable alternative at the time - less left-wing and therefore more acceptable to the electorate.
    I find the media portrayal a bit funny. Corbyn has said he speaks with these people to have a dialogue and develop peace. Only problem is he undermined himself in protesting trump and losing access to dialogue. Think he seems communist as hes more traditional labour party and not in favour of Reganomocis like Blair.

    Same with boris, getting slated in a ch4 piece I seen by cathy Newman for infidelity, demeaning the institute of marriage and a tacit suggestion he played a role in an abortion (elsewhere) with appeals to Tories to enforce a culture of monogamy and Christian values from the media !!

    I'm pretty sure the same media would just use another angle of attack if it were moggy. Saying not everyone agrees with marriage, and infidelity is a freedom of choice and abortion is empowering - unless you were going out with boris. Appealing for Tory voters to abandon Christian values in a secular age.
    I dont think the media really understand how poorly they are thought of in the publics mind. Seems the more they go at boris the more people will support boris.

    As per new labour it would seem that this character and policies are not really selling in the market anymore. Think Macron is a bit like labour/blair 2.0 and not a very appealing sort.

    Personally think many of the current woes go back to Blair. Who seems to get a very easy time of it in the press, media and a portion of the UK.
    Bertie Ahern (roi) and Blair shared a rather similar timeline. Bertie gets the blame for the economic crash here although his opposition were campaigning on slightly more mad policies at the time. In Britain it was rather similar but Blair seems to get a much softer pass in the media and elsewhere.
    Last edited by CCTV; 27th June 2019 at 01:45 AM.

  7. #17
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Corbyn couldn't do what he wants to do within the eu framework. If hes lucky boris will take the uk out of the eu for him and perhaps thwart the rise of the Brexit party in doing so.
    If boris fails do take the uk out the eu, then it's likely the Tories get crushed by the Brexit party. The Brexit party is probably a far more likely gatherer of Brexit labour/left voters than the Tories in a general election. Same way lib dems are more likely for Tories. Given the almost religious or worse animosity between Tories and labourites that i see and suggest the animosity is slight harder from labour to Tory.

    If you look at that lordy Ashcroft poll, it would seem in the eu elections 45% had voted for Brexit and 50% for remain- unsurprising to me that slightly more remainers voted for the eu elections.
    Asked if the UK should leave or remain 50% said they should leave and 46% said they should stay. Only a poll.

    This is the remainers problem and corbyns labour party problem. There are a large amount of left wing reasons and voters for Brexit. They risk losing these if the go outright remain which it appears they will. Also there are remain voters who although they think Brexit was the wrong choice they understand that not respecting the result will likely lead to bigger problems.
    The remain side/the media consistently use polls to say they are a remain nation now. But this underestimates the almost one sided interim of canvassing and it also underscores the fact that there are remainers in there who do not think a second referendum is just and also think that the UK should leave to respect the vote.
    Voting on 2 options as to how to leave has legs.
    Say May's deal or no deal. Though that might require some movement in parliament.

    Corbyn strikes me as a weak leader. He should have come out strong on leaving the eu and sold the vision for a future outside the eu. Instead the left has increasingly given up on offering any hope for the future outside the eu and imo I think that is a poor strategy. If Britain does leave the EU they will have nothing to offer in terms of a positive future.
    There in this position as they've gone down the road of labelling the Brexit vote as fascist racist nazi scum.
    Not sure how anyone could describe Corbyn as weak, what he has endured and continues to endure from his own party, the Blairite disciples who want to play nicey nicey with and vote with Tories who learnt at University that with expenses claims, donor payments for their votes and a whopping final salary pension that politics is 'a good gig' and are only in it for that reason. He's undoubtedly proven himself stronger than any other elected politician.

    He is between a rock and a hard place because of Brexit, either choice sees him lose some voters. Winning EU seats and winning seats in a general election are very different things, and by the time the next general election comes around, the issue will have been resolved one way or another, so it won't be an influence, I expect the Tories to resolve Brexit one way or another and try to give the appearance they're making it work before they call an election. I think this is apparent to Corbyn so rather than nail his colours to any particular mast and alienate scores of either set of voters we're talking about, he's sitting on the fence for as long as possible trying not to.

    Not one party has given any positive vision of the UK outside of the EU, because, it's a nonsense, we currently do almost 60% of our trade with the EU or with nations who have EU trade deals, both are dependent on our being part of the EU, a large proportion of UK businesses, investment in UK businesses and jobs rely on this trade, we cannot afford to have even an interim period of WTO tariffs operation, it will be devastating for the UK.

    Boris won't get a no deal, the continued attempted motions to take it off the table entirely will be successful if it looks as though Boris will do that and he doesn't have a majority or the support in his own party to get a no deal Brexit through. Most politicians are sitting on the fence in many respects, Boris is living a lie as when interviewed just 12 weeks prior to the referendum he stated that leaving the EU would be a disaster for the UK, he didn't change his mind on that, he only joined the Leave campaign because it represented an opportunity to play his silly University hustings games, try and put one over on Cameron and land himself the job in No10, the fact never published or mentioned in any media source, because it's largely owned by moguls who are in a position to make billions on the markets if we do leave the EU without a deal, is that we're all in this ridiculous situation because Cameron was a gambler who thrived on the risk of playing these games and Boris saw it as an opportunity for himself with no interest whatsoever in what was best for the UK
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  8. #18
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    I'm in Blaenau Gwent, which is usually Labour - because of historic reasons, coal mining (gone), steel works (gone).

    Corbyn seems to be almost communist in his views, and seems to support terrorism (along with Diane Abbott) - IRA, British ISIS members who want to come back to the UK.
    Bliar's party seemed a more reasonable alternative at the time - less left-wing and therefore more acceptable to the electorate.
    Our mam's up on the mountain in Brynithel butt....I'm over in Pontypool...

  9. #19
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post

    Personally think many of the current woes go back to Blair. Who seems to get a very easy time of it in the press, media and a portion of the UK.
    Bertie Ahern (roi) and Blair shared a rather similar timeline. Bertie gets the blame for the economic crash here although his opposition were campaigning on slightly more mad policies at the time. In Britain it was rather similar but Blair seems to get a much softer pass in the media and elsewhere.
    Blair was a monster, Thatcher labelled Blair's New Labour as her greatest achievement, likely as he represented a slightly softer continuation of the Reganomics that destroyed Uk solidarity and communities, and also because his 'New Labour' managed to do incredible damage to a hell of a lot of long time Labour strongholds, massively undermine the chances of a return to the 'Old Labour' the UK will need if they are ever to begin reversing the incredible damage of the last 40 years of Reganomics.

    He also lied en masse to the electorate over Iraq and it is highly likely sanctioned David Kelly being bumped off in a faked suicide when he didn't deliver the WMD's report he was asked to deliver to support Blair's Iraq War, Meanwhile alleged communist Corbyn was at the UK's largest public gathering of people for several decades in Hyde Park telling everyone there hadn't been any evidence of WMD's produced whatsoever and that he believed that oil was the motif behind the push for war, yet more Reganomics from Blair and Bush following on from his father's legacy.

    One of the tricks the media like to do is twist, mix and misrepresent socialism, socialist agenda's and communism, a lot of people fall for it. 'The rags' like to constantly play the Great Britain, we won 2 world wars card, they too were money motivated, they were also won on the back of the kind of solidarity, socialism, community togetherness and spirit that are the fulcrum of Corbyn's policies. Why he gets so much false press and bad press and as much as I hate the phrase 'fake news' is because there are a relatively small minority of people who have benefitted massively from Reganomics, a lot of whom are unsurprisingly media moguls and have huge influence in controlling the majority of the people by the continual saturation peddling of defamatory, made up stories about 'the few good men (and women)' who are intent on ending it and turning the UK around.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    If you want better ideas of who to vote for do yourself a favour, don't pick up or pay any attention to newspapers or mainstream news, go and look on twatter if you really want to know what's going on

    So much information that isn't reported in mainstream media

    I could give numerous examples, but I think the UN branding Iain Duncan-Smith's and the Tories new benefits system and their treatment of those with disabilities and mental illness 'a human catastrophe' and IDS potentially facing prosecution for human rights abuses is pretty fucking big news that would have been reported extensively on loop for weeks and continually regurgitated were it not for the inconvenience that it doesn't suit main stream media outlets narrative, wasn't reported anywhere in the MSN
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”



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