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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #1781
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    @CD Assad is a war criminal ? As much as Blair? And who makes the claim outside the US NATO usual suspects? They have been arming militia groups inside Syria for over a decade. Imagine Iran or China doing similar here...?

    You do realise that the US and UK are in cahoots with Saudi and their demolition of civilians in Yemen...? You do realise that Assad is the leader of what was the most egalitarian state in the ME. The most religiously diverse and the most stable BEFORE western intervention. It is Israel and the US who want to sever any ties between Iran and Syria. Remember - never forget the millions of civilians that have died at the ha da of US illegal warfare across the region. For Assad read Milosevic.

    The US can’t do business with him - so he is a mass murderer. While genuine mass murderers like Bush and Blair keep their millions and even get to discuss our own futures.

    IF you believe what you are fed by the western media - you are not only a fool but totally blind even to recent history:

    Anyone want to talk about the sickening destruction of Libya by that criminal Hillary Clinton??

    Enough of the bullshit - the real global killer is the US and much as Trump is a nut job he is ONLY really facing such blanket media hatred BECAUSE he didn’t give the US military their war....! Think about it. When was a US president EVER such fair game? George W Bush set up and fabricated a gigantic lie - pressured the media to run the stories across the NATO west - went into an illegal war killing millions - - millions yet Trump is the devil.... Haha what fools we are.

    Putin is not the bogeyman - anyone with half a brain cell knows this. The real enemy of peace is the richest most powerful nation on the planet.

    Watch the jubilation when Biden gets in - and Trump is a Lunatic no doubt - but watch... There will be military interventions all over the Middle East. Millions more will be killed and displaced and for what...? To continue the unbridled and total domination of US free market Capitalism. It is a monster - recognise it for what it is.
    Last edited by Steveo; 13th October 2020 at 06:39 PM.

  2. #1782
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    @CD Assad is a war criminal ? As much as Blair? And who makes the claim outside the US NATO usual suspects? They have been arming desperation’s for over a decade. Imagine Iran or China doing similar here...?

    You do realise that the US and UK are in cahoots with Saudi and their demolition of civilians in Yemen...? You do realise that Assad is the leader of what was the most egalitarian state in the ME. The most religiously diverse and the most stable BEFORE western intervention. It is Israel and the US who want to sever any ties between Iran and Syria. Remember - never forget the millions of civilians that have died at the ha da of US illegal warfare across the region. For Assad read Milosevic.

    The US can’t do business with him - so he is a mass murderer. While genuine mass murderers like Bush and Blair keep their millions and even get to discuss our own futures.

    IF you believe what you are fed by the western media - you are not only a fool but blind to history:

    Enough of the bullshit - the real global killer is the US and much as Trump is a nut job he is ONLY really facing such blanket media hatred BECAUSE he didn’t give the US military their war....! Think about it. When was a US president EVER such fair game? George W Bush set up and fabricated lie - pressures media to run the stories - went into an illegal war killing millions - yet Trump is the devil.... Haha what fools we are

    This is wild, and I'm not going to touch any of it with a ten foot pole other than to say, I know people from Syria and who STILL have relatives in Syria and who have a decidedly different view of Assad (YES, he IS a war criminal. Yes I said it! And I'll say it again) than you do and whatever bugaboo it is you have with Western powers or western media.

    You also seem to have a big bug up your arse about America and Americans (I'm not one, by the way. Sorry to bitterly dissapoint you as it's apparent you've got it into your head for whatever reason that I am one).
    You should really see someone about it.

    And just because Bush was bad doesn't mean therefore that Trump isn't or can't be (just as) bad or worse. Two things can be true.
    They're both terrible presidents and leaders for differing reasons.

    But hey, take it up with actual Americans if you feel they've let you down in their selection of either or how hard they're treating one or the other.
    Not that they'll give a shite what you (nor I) have to think.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  3. #1783
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Have nothing against Americans my sister is one. Have many many American friends. It is the system that is the problem and millions of Americans agree.

    I never EVER suggested Trump was good... Please read.

    You are totally blinkered. Totally brain washed.

    How many US military bases are there around the globe CD...?

    Come on.. cough it up... and when you write it down - ask why...?
    Last edited by Steveo; 13th October 2020 at 06:51 PM.

  4. #1784
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Have nothing against Americans my sister is one. Have many many American friends. It is the system that is the problem and millions of Americans agree.

    I never EVER suggested Trump was good... Please read.

    You are totally blinkered. Totally brain washed.

    How many US military bases are there around the globe CD...?

    Come on.. cough it up... and when you write it down - ask why...?
    Then take it up with them (Americans), and if "millions" of them as you claim, have a problem with it or agree with you, then they'll fix it themselves in a couple of weeks time when they have an election, no?

    Problem solved!

    Other than that, like I told you, I'm not doing this with you Steve.
    Not you of all people.

    Find another dance partner to work out whatever issues they are that you have with Americans, and beat up on them instead.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  5. #1785
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    No - because all you get is either Trump - Clinton - Obama or Bush. War and military intervention or a megalomaniac misogynist nut job. The poor American population have absolutely zero choice. Look at how Sanders was taken out TWICE.

    It is 2 sides of the same shit coin. That’s what I am talking about. And all the talk about the bogeymen is Bullshit to cover for US global hegemony.

    On those US bases - The answer is staggeringly close to 1000.... that’s nearly one thousand... to be clear. One thousand military bases encircling the globe. But guess what Putin’s Russia is the aggressor.

    I will bet you know very little about Syria - Yugoslavia - Iraq - Libya or NATO ally Turkey..
    Last edited by Steveo; 13th October 2020 at 07:11 PM.

  6. #1786
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Like I said,....


    ...all the way in.
    .....all the way up there.

    If only you knew an actual American you could vent all your spleen like this on.
    If only.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  7. #1787
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Dynasty View Post
    Like I said,....


    ...all the way in.
    .....all the way up there.

    If only you knew an actual American you could vent all your spleen like this on.
    If only.
    Erm my sister is a naturalised American citizen - formerly living in New York - then just across the water in Paulus Hook Nj and recently moved to leafy MiddleTown New Jersey. I have relatives in California along with plenty of colleagues who I have worked with and become friends. This has absolutely nothing to do with people. This is to do with the structure of the nation that dominates the globe.

    For the record I was not suggesting you were alone in your thinking - lord knows most people I meet are the same and I also put no blame on people for thinking as they do with such relentless bullshit pushed daily by a complicit media.

    But I urge you to dig a little deeper than the surface - there is more balanced and detailed information to be found which so often proves the total opposite of what has become accepted truth.
    Last edited by Steveo; 13th October 2020 at 07:28 PM.

  8. #1788
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Dynasty View Post

    The burden of proof is on YOU.
    Is it?

    Some people don’t even believe herd immunity is a real thing, such as the critic of the Great Barrington declaration that SR linked to above. I have no idea what you or others think about herd immunity, which is why I made that statement so casually. You may think it is some kind of nirvana only approached with vaccines, or you may think it is the invention of dangerous conspiracy theorists. Whichever thought you have, I doubt it’s peer reviewed.

    That statement I made comes directly from Dr Michael Yeadon who was discussing the current state of play. He said it is the only explanation he thinks fits the fact that London is no longer seeing a comparable outbreak of Covid hospitalisation to say, Merseyside. His argument is simple and I highlighted it in the post above (albeit in a rush);

    1) London had the disease worst in March (potentially providing herd immunity). The hospitals were more full with Covid cases in London

    2) It doesn’t have it bad now

    3) Why is that?

    4) the government (and presumably people like you who think the burden of proof is on people like me) claims it is due to ‘measures’ that stop its spread

    5) but influenza is spreading effectively through the same population that Covid isn’t spreading through.

    6) The spread of the flu would be halted by the same measures in theory that halt Covid.

    7) therefore Something else Is halting the spread of Covid.

    8) what could that Other thing be other than herd immunity?

    Any answers gratefully received

  9. #1789
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    @CD Assad is a war criminal ? As much as Blair? And who makes the claim outside the US NATO usual suspects? They have been arming militia groups inside Syria for over a decade. Imagine Iran or China doing similar here...?

    You do realise that the US and UK are in cahoots with Saudi and their demolition of civilians in Yemen...? You do realise that Assad is the leader of what was the most egalitarian state in the ME. The most religiously diverse and the most stable BEFORE western intervention. It is Israel and the US who want to sever any ties between Iran and Syria. Remember - never forget the millions of civilians that have died at the ha da of US illegal warfare across the region. For Assad read Milosevic.

    The US can’t do business with him - so he is a mass murderer. While genuine mass murderers like Bush and Blair keep their millions and even get to discuss our own futures.

    IF you believe what you are fed by the western media - you are not only a fool but totally blind even to recent history:

    Anyone want to talk about the sickening destruction of Libya by that criminal Hillary Clinton??

    Enough of the bullshit - the real global killer is the US and much as Trump is a nut job he is ONLY really facing such blanket media hatred BECAUSE he didn’t give the US military their war....! Think about it. When was a US president EVER such fair game? George W Bush set up and fabricated a gigantic lie - pressured the media to run the stories across the NATO west - went into an illegal war killing millions - - millions yet Trump is the devil.... Haha what fools we are.

    Putin is not the bogeyman - anyone with half a brain cell knows this. The real enemy of peace is the richest most powerful nation on the planet.

    Watch the jubilation when Biden gets in - and Trump is a Lunatic no doubt - but watch... There will be military interventions all over the Middle East. Millions more will be killed and displaced and for what...? To continue the unbridled and total domination of US free market Capitalism. It is a monster - recognise it for what it is.
    F*@k me Steveo,
    That's some bile if ever I heard it. This stuff normally comes from the forest people who lock themselves away, rejecting Government and Laws of the Land. Stick to the footie.
    As a dual citizen US/UK my views on Britannia have changed as I see a totally different picture from this side of the pond, not that you'd argue with that as you have posted blame on a variety of politicians from both sides of the bench.
    Pointing the wand back to the U.S. side, and BBC's take is extraordinary in it's jizzfest for Biden.
    (Whatever happened to the good old beeb?)
    The public opinions and rallies are 10-1 in favour of Trump, yet seemingly 'exit' polls and other bodies have produced data showing Biden ahead by 10 points.
    The world needs the US to maintain political stability right now, in spite of what you may have heard or read about. I have travelled a lot overseas, particularly M.E. where they would like the status quo to continue. India and China are the same, if you talk to the common-man, which I have done, carefully inside those regions.
    Once a Red,
    you'll never walk alone

  10. #1790
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    It might be bile to you but you are clearly unaware of reality - like so many both here and across the pond.

    You are brainwashed as are so many.

    My aunt Rosetta was from Damascus - fled to Lebanon only to have to flee Beruit in the 1980’s. She lived her last 20 years in California.

    If anyone wants to deny that the US - mainly with British help has destroyed the largest part of the Middle East - while supporting the murderous Saudi Regime. Go for it. You have only the silence - the blind eye of the western media on your side.

    “The world need the US to maintain stability”...? The same US with 1000 military bases scattered across the planet ...? Sorry how many dead are we talking here - let’s look exclusively at Iraq..Do you have any idea? Or don’t you care? Are you for fucking real?? Fuck off!! How many of your family have been blown to bits by the weapons of a global super power? Lost their homelands to benefit the whim of the global policeman’s foreign policy... Enough of the bollox.

    The world needs the US to fuck off and mind it’s own sodding business... it has destroyed every place it has ever been.

    Want to talk about Snowden? How about the disgusting treatment of Assange??

    Don’t be an ignoramus.

    Take a little Fisk to start the re-education process. And he is just a diluted warm up act - but what you think you know is a story.

    Then a little look at this

    And possibly if you really can face some truth - this...
    Last edited by Steveo; 13th October 2020 at 10:49 PM.



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