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Thread: Full forensic review required by the PGMOL of every match this season.

  1. #1

    Full forensic review required by the PGMOL of every match this season.

    IMHO enough is enough, these supposedly innocent Referee mistakes are happening more and more with each passing game and we now need to analyse and understand it is happening.

    The media react when Managers and players lose their shit over poor decisions, but what they fail to understand is that these small poor / incompetent decisions can have massive implications on the day and further down the line, for the Clubs and players involved. For example it can deny a team victories in a Cup competition, can ultimately result in Relegations, these small margins of a drawn fixture that should have been a win, can and has in the past denied teams Title victories they ultimately deseved.

    Last season LFC missed out on the Champions League qualification by a few points, which costs the club a minimum of £50M, so is it any wonder Managers and players alike lose their shit in post match interviews…, but all that happens to the referee is he just receives a nice long weekend with his family… ffs

    The situation exacerbated still further when it happens to be the same official that appears to make the same costly mistakes against the same team, time and time again…unconscious bias is an actual phenomenon and yet seems to be ignored.

    If a given match official has made a bad mistake against a team once and is called out about it by the Manager, the next time the same Refs does it again against the same team and the Manager calls him out again, human nature tells us that its going to result in both parties feeling very aggrieved and then we have “fait accompli” unconscious bias is going to occur, its a no brainer.

    I am now of the opinion the Referee association has to conduct a forensic review of every Premier League game played this season, to identify the incidents of clear errors, naive Refereeing and incorrect implementation of the rules and the poor analysis of VAR to root out these failings once and for all, because if it doesn’t , at the moment the PGMOL is clearly not fit for purpose…

    My personal biggest bug bear is and has been for years is simulation, which happens in every bloody game and Refs are so bloody naive they fall for it every bloody time, just because a player falls to the ground and screams like a girl does not mean its a bloody foul….it is the ultimate get out of Jail card for players when under pressure or have lost control, so bloody annoying..

    In yesterdays game alone, Bissouma acted as though he had his leg broken but carried on without a problem within seconds of the Red card, he then simulated being fouled by Salah after losing control of the ball in a dangerous position and yet it was Salah that got booked, he then got away with actually deliberately shoving his hand into Endos face with no yellow card issued

    Then Spurs left back, not sure of his name, then simulated a foul by Jota when in truth he tripped over his own leg after actually kicking Jota who just happened to be behind him and had clearly made no attempt to hinder his forward movement , and then for Jotas second yellow, the same left nack knowing Jota was on a yellow played a blinder and looked like he had been shot when there was no or very little real contact, the Referee then instead of just having a word with Jota couldn't get his card out quick enough…. that in my opinion is so naïve is not Refereeing and a proper Ref would have handled that so much better.

    I know it wont happen and nothing will change but a video compilation of just poor decisions against Liverpool this year would not make for a comfortable watch, but if a similar video was released of every error against every team, oh my days we would end up sacking the lot of them….

    Rant over….I repeat poor result but massive morale victory yesterday, I am so proud of my team …!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    No, this is the kind of crap that helps them try and normalise the very deliberately bent decisions and their deliberate failure to use VAR correctly for the purposes of its inception to make sure the correct decisions are made in accordance with the laws of the game

    I'd expect you to understand that, what you're suggesting is precisely the process they use to try and normalise the corruption

    Fully analyse yesterday's game and ask for an explanation as to how EVERY official involved got so many decisions so badly wrong against a side who would have gone top with a win, and highlight the same ref having sent Mac Allister off incorrectly in our game v Newcastle and failed to award Wolves a crystal clear penalty to gift the filthy an extra 2 points

    That's what it's all about, it's been what almost all of the bent officiating in the Premier League has been about for the last 30 years and what Riley and Webb did themselves when officiating

    Knocking other teams down to try and prop Uinted up and see them challenge or at least make top four and trying to knock Liverpool down at any and every opportunity

    That was the rhetoric set as status quo 30 years ago by Ferguson and the Murdoch media all these gormless cunts still adhere to

    "When United do well, we all do well" Even though it's been comprehensively shown to be a lie these last few years

    "Knock Liverpool off their perch" and keep knocking them down to stop them ever getting back on it

    Both those shop stewards lame old cliches that are entirely wrong, have long been and are incredibly detrimental to our national game are deeply engrained in the psyche and status quo of every official body, every official, every commentator and pundit and every opposition fan
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    A huge part of the God awful shite i endured in my work places in Manc was precisely because of status quo and the then already 15 years of free hand outs and Mancs coming out on top through whatever means

    It wouldn't do that a non Manc not blighted by the just do what everyone else does and do things as they've always done them status quo came in and completely transformed and revolutionised their half arsed, half baked approach and embarrassed their managers through doing so and seeing things they were unable to, especially not one who was a Liverpool fan of all things

    It wouldn't do to have a none Manc outselling the 7 Mancs put together and running the show and the lazy, entitled, free hand out expecting Mancs only business coming of the back of my e-marketing campaign

    Honestly how they carried on and behaved was so fucking tribal and as if they would likely down the pub watching the game with the same expectation they'd get free hand outs and the opposition would get nothing
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Darren England has been replaced as the fourth official for Sunday's Premier League game between Nottingham Forest and Brentford after his error as the video assistant referee during Liverpool's defeat at Tottenham.

    England failed to overturn an incorrect decision on the pitch to disallow a Luis Diaz goal for offside as the Reds were beaten 2-1 on Saturday.

    Dan Cook was assistant VAR for the game and he has been replaced as assistant referee for the game between Fulham and Chelsea on Monday.

    "Craig Pawson will now assume England's duties as fourth official at the City Ground while Eddie Smart will take over from Cook as assistant referee at Craven Cottage," said referees' body PGMOL.

    At 0-0 and with Liverpool down to 10 men, winger Diaz's goal was disallowed on the field, with England upholding the decision after a quick VAR check, in which the customary offside line graphic was not shown.

    BBC Sport understands the correct procedure was followed for the controversial decision but the mistake was down to human error.

    The lines were drawn in accordance with normal procedure and every other aspect was checked.

    However, what is being described by sources as a lapse of concentration led to a loss of focus around the initial on-field decision and then a 'check complete' being confirmed rather than an intervention which would have resulted in the goal being awarded.

    It is understood referees' chief Howard Webb has spoken to Liverpool about the incident.

    A PGMOL statement after the game said "a significant human error occurred".

    It added: "The goal by Luiz Diaz was disallowed for offside by the on-field team of match officials. This was a clear and obvious factual error and should have resulted in the goal being awarded through VAR intervention, however, the VAR failed to intervene."

    Speaking after the match, Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp said his side's defeat came in "the most unfair circumstances" with "crazy decisions".

    "That is not offside when you see it," he told Sky Sports.

    "The ball is between Mo [Salah]'s legs, they drew the line wrong and didn't judge the moment when Mo passed the ball right."

    Klopp also said the PGMOL statement "doesn't help" and referenced the apology Wolves received for the decision not to award a penalty at Manchester United earlier in the season.

    Former England striker Alan Shearer described VAR's error as "incomprehensible" on BBC Match of the Day.

    "The one bit of VAR we have accepted and learned we can't argue about was offside," he said.

    "This will put so much doubt into decisions that go on. It is a monumental error. We spotted it straight away."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Needs to be harsher punishments for these fuck ups, it's not like it's a small deal.

    X amount of fucks ups = demoted to lower division for a long time with a paycut

    Let lower league refs come up and prove themselves and give them a chance instead.

    we are liverpool football club, not fucking norwich.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    No, this is the kind of crap that helps them try and normalise the very deliberately bent decisions and their deliberate failure to use VAR correctly for the purposes of its inception to make sure the correct decisions are made in accordance with the laws of the game

    I'd expect you to understand that, what you're suggesting is precisely the process they use to try and normalise the corruption

    Fully analyse yesterday's game and ask for an explanation as to how EVERY official involved got so many decisions so badly wrong against a side who would have gone top with a win, and highlight the same ref having sent Mac Allister off incorrectly in our game v Newcastle and failed to award Wolves a crystal clear penalty to gift the filthy an extra 2 points

    That's what it's all about, it's been what almost all of the bent officiating in the Premier League has been about for the last 30 years and what Riley and Webb did themselves when officiating

    Knocking other teams down to try and prop Uinted up and see them challenge or at least make top four and trying to knock Liverpool down at any and every opportunity

    That was the rhetoric set as status quo 30 years ago by Ferguson and the Murdoch media all these gormless cunts still adhere to

    "When United do well, we all do well" Even though it's been comprehensively shown to be a lie these last few years

    "Knock Liverpool off their perch" and keep knocking them down to stop them ever getting back on it

    Both those shop stewards lame old cliches that are entirely wrong, have long been and are incredibly detrimental to our national game are deeply engrained in the psyche and status quo of every official body, every official, every commentator and pundit and every opposition fan
    Wow.. not quite sure why you feel the need or feel you have the right to talk to a fellow supporter quite like that, you are allowed to disagree no dramas, we all see things differently, but if I replied to one of your considered posts with such vitriol I can only imagine your response…..

    I get the whole conspiracy angle, but unless there is proven concrete evidence to support that, it just sounds like we as LFC supporters are bitching for the sake of bitching. Every club, and that includes Man City, Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal…etc etc believes that they all suffer exactly the same at the hands of refs and I am sure they can all cite loads of examples of dubious referee decision that have gone against them and cost them dearly in the past.

    All I am asking is they forensically examine their performances to date and bloody learn from them, at the end of the day all businesses have to review their practices, especially if their customer reviews are as bad as the current standard of Refereeing are receiving…

    What is it they say about the first sign of madness….

    PGMOL need to take a long hard look in the mirror, because atmo its just painful to watch.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Speaking to you like what? Tone is lost in text as they say, I wrote that in a very matter of fact way, and it wasn't about you, it was about FA PGMOL

    This however is, it isn't a conspiracy theory that FA PGMOL and officiating is completely bent, it has been for 30 years, VAR worked almost absolutely fine for the first two thirds of its first season

    If it wasn't bent before and after that, why were so many opposition fans labelling us LiVARpool because of the amount of wrong decisions that were overturned in our favour?

    Because they were all used to us getting the shit end of the stick when it came to refereeing decisions and it was widely accepted that we should and our doing so was normal and just part and parcel of the game, it had then been going on for almost 30 years

    If that is also a conspiracy, why, when VAR was applied and used correctly in the first two thirds of the 19-20 season did we have so many decisions VAR overturned correctly in our favour? Why were there consistently so many wrong decisions made against us by match officials? Because it was common practice and they were used to doing it

    Anyone trying to make out it isn't corruption and pure bent and that there isn't any evidence to support it is a fuckin moron, a status quo, media fed, clueless idiot, the type of berk who goes around parroting whatever shite they heard on the news as fact or the truth and as their own opinion when they haven't gone through any what used to be normal human processes of examining the evidence and information and in the case of our news, going looking for the information they deliberately omitted and arriving at a genuine opinion of their own

    You likely and regularly trot out and believe in the old cliches they created to placate you and make you feel guilty about complaining about decision such as

    "These things even themselves out over the course of a season"

    Well, 17-18 and 21-22 these decisions pertinently did not even themselves out

    How do you square Tierney and Kavanagh conspiring not to give Everton a late late penalty against Manchester City with the score at 1-0 that was an absolutely cast iron penalty and matched every single criteria for a penalty that had been very robustly laid down for that season in the 21-22 run in?

    That's not a mistake! They are 2 FIFA officials, they know the laws of the game, they had footage that showed the incident abundantly clearly, the only possible reason for them not giving the penalty was deliberate bias and match fixing, no way it could possibly be an error, no way what England did yesterday was an accident either, nor was him intervening in a decision Cooper made that wasn't a clear and obvious error and them arranging the clips in a way that made it look like it was while omitting 2 clips that showed it was an accidental collision

    It takes a special kind of stupid to even suggest these things are mistakes, you probably think it was a mistake every single time (and there have been absolutely hundreds) an opposition players had blatantly fouled, Mo, Mane, Bobby or any other of our players dragging them back, wrapping their arms around them in a wrestling hold and it's not even a free kick
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  8. #8
    Your comment # 1

    “ No, this is the kind of crap that helps them try and normalise the very deliberately bent decisions and their deliberate failure to use VAR correctly for the purposes of its inception to make sure the correct decisions are made in accordance with the laws of the game

    I'd expect you to understand that, what you're suggesting is precisely the process they use to try and normalise the corruption “

    Your comment # 2

    “ Anyone trying to make out it isn't corruption and pure bent and that there isn't any evidence to support it is a fuckin moron, a status quo, media fed, clueless idiot, the type of berk who goes around parroting whatever shite they heard on the news as fact or the truth and as their own opinion when they haven't gone through any what used to be normal human processes of examining the evidence and information and in the case of our news, going looking for the information they deliberately omitted and arriving at a genuine opinion of their own

    You likely and regularly trot out and believe in the old cliches they created to placate you and make you feel guilty about complaining about decision such as

    "These things even themselves out over the course of a season" “

    Correct me if I am wrong but in your first comment you referred to my first post as crap and naive, and in your follow up reply to my reply, you then seem to accuse me of being a fucking moron….

    Thank you, I appreciate your comments…

    I obviously completely disagree with your assumptions about my views and my intellect, however In my defence I have on too many occasions to mention now, regularly questioned the integrity of some refereeing decisions in key fixtures over the years that especially have impacted LFC and the attitude of FA towards LFC in equal measure…

    However, unfortunately its irrelevant if someone is actually guilty of an alleged crime, our legal system assumes innocence unless you can prove beyond all reasonable doubt their guilt and therein lies the rub….

    Rest assured I am as passionate as yourself about all things LFC and have been for over 60 years now, however I dont think we are a million miles apart in terms of our view on the game and match officials and maybe I just got the wrong end of the stick with your reply , hey ho no dramas all good.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BOBPAISLEYFAN View Post
    IMHO enough is enough, these supposedly innocent Referee mistakes are happening more and more with each passing game and we now need to analyse and understand it is happening.

    The media react when Managers and players lose their shit over poor decisions, but what they fail to understand is that these small poor / incompetent decisions can have massive implications on the day and further down the line, for the Clubs and players involved. For example it can deny a team victories in a Cup competition, can ultimately result in Relegations, these small margins of a drawn fixture that should have been a win, can and has in the past denied teams Title victories they ultimately deseved.

    Last season LFC missed out on the Champions League qualification by a few points, which costs the club a minimum of £50M, so is it any wonder Managers and players alike lose their shit in post match interviews…, but all that happens to the referee is he just receives a nice long weekend with his family… ffs

    The situation exacerbated still further when it happens to be the same official that appears to make the same costly mistakes against the same team, time and time again…unconscious bias is an actual phenomenon and yet seems to be ignored.

    If a given match official has made a bad mistake against a team once and is called out about it by the Manager, the next time the same Refs does it again against the same team and the Manager calls him out again, human nature tells us that its going to result in both parties feeling very aggrieved and then we have “fait accompli” unconscious bias is going to occur, its a no brainer.

    I am now of the opinion the Referee association has to conduct a forensic review of every Premier League game played this season, to identify the incidents of clear errors, naive Refereeing and incorrect implementation of the rules and the poor analysis of VAR to root out these failings once and for all, because if it doesn’t , at the moment the PGMOL is clearly not fit for purpose…

    My personal biggest bug bear is and has been for years is simulation, which happens in every bloody game and Refs are so bloody naive they fall for it every bloody time, just because a player falls to the ground and screams like a girl does not mean its a bloody foul….it is the ultimate get out of Jail card for players when under pressure or have lost control, so bloody annoying..

    In yesterdays game alone, Bissouma acted as though he had his leg broken but carried on without a problem within seconds of the Red card, he then simulated being fouled by Salah after losing control of the ball in a dangerous position and yet it was Salah that got booked, he then got away with actually deliberately shoving his hand into Endos face with no yellow card issued

    Then Spurs left back, not sure of his name, then simulated a foul by Jota when in truth he tripped over his own leg after actually kicking Jota who just happened to be behind him and had clearly made no attempt to hinder his forward movement , and then for Jotas second yellow, the same left nack knowing Jota was on a yellow played a blinder and looked like he had been shot when there was no or very little real contact, the Referee then instead of just having a word with Jota couldn't get his card out quick enough…. that in my opinion is so naïve is not Refereeing and a proper Ref would have handled that so much better.

    I know it wont happen and nothing will change but a video compilation of just poor decisions against Liverpool this year would not make for a comfortable watch, but if a similar video was released of every error against every team, oh my days we would end up sacking the lot of them….

    Rant over….I repeat poor result but massive morale victory yesterday, I am so proud of my team …!!!
    I'm of the opinion that officials really need to be clamping down on players like Bissouma,all teams have these players unfortunately and need to be carded for their acting.
    I watched the City/Wolves game and although a fan of Neto, his rolling around the ground continually feigning leg cramps,when his injury acts weren't bought by the ref.Even to the point where Doku tried to physically move him over the touchline,as he lay within a foot of it.
    These continuous acts need heavy discipline.( imo )

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Imagine Atletico Madrid were a Premier League side.

    *Assistant ref adjusting board*

    "There will be a minimum of 37 minutes of added time"

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