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Thread: WhiteChildrenMatter 2024/25 PL season

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Fetuses are NOT children. on that note.. cheerio
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    Fetuses are NOT children. on that note.. cheerio
    Fetus, definition:

    ● The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
    ● in humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

    I guess you're one of those abort at any stage kind of people.

    There are examples of people arguing for abortion after birth, from 2 weeks to a couple of months.

    "In the Journal of Medical Ethics, "Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva argue that because there are no significant differences between a fetus and a neonate, in that neither possess sufficiently robust mental traits to qualify as persons, a neonate may be justifiably killed for any reason that also justifies abortion. To further emphasise their view that a newly born infant is more on a par with a fetus rather than a more developed baby, Giubilini and Minerva elect to call this 'after-birth abortion' rather than infanticide. ..."

  3. #53
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Fetus, definition:

    ● The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
    ● in humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

    I guess you're one of those abort at any stage kind of people.

    There are examples of people arguing for abortion after birth, from 2 weeks to a couple of months.

    "In the Journal of Medical Ethics, "Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva argue that because there are no significant differences between a fetus and a neonate, in that neither possess sufficiently robust mental traits to qualify as persons, a neonate may be justifiably killed for any reason that also justifies abortion. To further emphasise their view that a newly born infant is more on a par with a fetus rather than a more developed baby, Giubilini and Minerva elect to call this 'after-birth abortion' rather than infanticide. ..."
    Fetuses are not children.

    Nothing in that definition you posted changes that fact.
    And it's conventional practice when you post a definition to also include the source from whence you're posting that definition so that the audience can ascertain that said source does not share the same space as your rectal cavity.

    Also, if it happens 'after birth', then by definition its Murder (or more specifcally 'homicide' or 'infanticide') , and not 'abortion'.

    There are laws for that.
    And there's a reason the law calls it "murder" ('Homicide',...specifically) and not "abortion" - even for a newborn baby just fresh out of the womb.

    Try to see if you can figure out why.

    And another point of note : Giubilini and Minerva are not lawyers, experts in law nor lawmakers. Their OPINION on whether it should be referred to as infanticide, homocide or abortion is entirely irrelevant to the actual law and how the law works.

    Also worth noting: Neither of them are medical experts, physicians, have any experience in actually practising medicine nor conducting medical research.

    As you were.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  4. #54
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    OK, a post about me. Oh you are so verbally wicked.

    Try and ignore the thread. You seem incapable of making any worthwhile contribution on the matters at hand. Same for others.

    I'll be making mine as I go, I'm aware the club has connections with 2 organisations that are very pro-abortion politically.

    In the USA its led to 17 out of 60 million abortions being black. By share of population you would expect 8 million. An extra 9 million. I think that is not good for the black community in America.
    If the club's stance on abortion or its affiliation with organisations supporting abortion or the right of abortion offends you, then find another club to support.


    It's not that complicated.
    They don't have to bow to your preferences.

    And stop using black people and the black community as a cheap tacky cudgel in your vacuous argument , to make your non-existent and silly point.

    You don't care about black people or what happens to black people in America nor elsewhere.
    Quite the opposite.
    You're offended by the fact that footballers and others in society perform gestures showing support in their fight against racism, and yet here you sit shamelessly acting like you give a toss about them.
    You truly are pathetic.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    'A leading abortion provider says more needs to be understood about why some women have repeat terminations.

    Marie Stopes UK, which carried out 65,000 abortions last year - many of them for the NHS, has been investigating the issue..........

    Get's easier'

    A 23-year-old woman, whom we have given the false name Lisa, who has had four abortions has said she wants others to learn from her "careless actions".
    She said she does not think terminations are right - but she did not wish to have three or four children with different fathers.
    She said: "With the first one, you don't know what's going to happen. You're scared and anxious.
    "But once you see all the other women there, it doesn't make you feel that bad.
    "And it does get easier with the more you have. I know that sounds really bad, but that is just how it is."

    'Careless actions'
    Lisa had her first abortion at the age of 18. She went ahead with her second pregnancy - and her daughter was born when she had just turned 20.
    She then had another abortion when she was 21, and her third and fourth last year - at the age of 22.
    Two of the terminations resulted from brief relationships - the other two while she was seeing a man who was drinking and jobless.
    Lisa said: "I was really careless. I can't blame anyone else.
    "I should have been more responsible, because I've killed a life now. And it wasn't that baby's fault.
    "I thought that if I could tell my story, maybe young women would think twice about having sex without contraception, or sleeping with guys they don't really know.
    "I want to tell other women that abortions aren't just something you should do. It could change your life."
    She added: "I've tried the pill, the patch, the injection, the coil and the implant. And they didn't work.
    "I bled continuously while I was on them. And the coil gave me pains, so I had to take that out after a month.
    "No one wants to keep on having terminations - so I have tried different methods of contraception but they don't seem to work for me."
    All of Lisa's abortions took place in the first two months of pregnancy.
    She works in the public sector in London, and hopes to buy a house one day.
    Lisa said: "When I was in school, there was no kind of sex education talk. My mum and family just brushed it under the carpet.
    "The only person that did really help me was the nurse at the clinic at my doctors' surgery.
    "They had a clinic every Tuesday for 16 to 19 year olds.
    "When you have an abortion, they talk to you about what steps you can take afterwards.
    "They give you a lot of help - but at the time you just want to get out of there. You're not really listening."
    Lisa said she did not have any regrets.
    She added: "I don't think abortion is all right at all. But I did what was best for me and my daughter at the time.
    "I don't want to have three or four kids, by three or four different dads."

    Answers needed'

    Marie Stopes UK's director of policy, Genevieve Edwards, told me she'd like to see the abortion rate coming down faster.
    She said: "Our research shows all sorts of women of all ages can experience repeat unwanted pregnancy.
    "In the past we've failed to tackle this, because we didn't want to stigmatise women."
    The general secretary of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), Paul Tully, said: "Increasing the provision of contraception isn't going to reduce the abortion rate.
    "Contraception doesn't address the social, financial and relationship reasons which are usually the drivers for women to seek abortions.
    "We need to answer those problems, and then we'll see the abortion rate coming down."

    That is abortion providers discussing abortion rates. They provide about a quarter of the uk's abortions.

    Since 2014 there are an extra 30,000 abortion per year.

    The continuing downward trend cited is essentially dishonest. A brief and small decline, the general trend is rapidly increasing

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Dynasty View Post
    If the club's stance on abortion or its affiliation with organisations supporting abortion or the right of abortion offends you, then find another club to support.


    It's not that complicated.
    They don't have to bow to your preferences.

    And stop using black people and the black community as a cheap tacky cudgel in your vacuous argument , to make your non-existent and silly point.

    You don't care about black people or what happens to black people in America nor elsewhere.
    Quite the opposite.
    You're offended by the fact that footballers and others in society perform gestures showing support in their fight against racism, and yet here you sit shamelessly acting like you give a toss about them.
    You truly are pathetic.
    I'm not easily offended. Your posts are boring.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Seriously mate take this elsewhere ffs

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Look ye could just ignore this thread.

    Even ignore the abortion providers pretending "she'd like to see the abortion rate coming down faster."
    Its not going down.

    Ignore the weak sentencing, ignore child stabbings & child sexual abuse. Etc

    As said this campaign, WhiteChildrenMatter, a subset of All Children Matter, is only starting. In its infancy.

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