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Thread: The rest of the season

  1. #131
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Utd have Chelsea and City in the next few games. We could be 3 points behind them.........or 15 more likely. Lolz etc.

  2. #132
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Utd have Chelsea and City in the next few games. We could be 3 points behind them.........or 15 more likely. Lolz etc.
    We're at the Precipice at the moment really.

    The opportunities to get closer to sides above us will be there, but we haven't been able to take the chances.

    You look at our next 4 matches - two relegation zone sides, a Top Four rival with a new Manager and a Champion's League 2nd leg and it's either where we recover something for the season, or it utterly sinks.

    So many "6-pointers" will occur in the final 13 matches but we have to actually put points on the Board. Sheffield United is a huge game and Chelsea will arguably be our biggest League game of the season.

  3. #133
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Relax top four and No7 is absolutely nailed on, get the win v Sheffield UTD then Jota's back for the Chelsea game onwards, put him in for Bobby and we'll be scoring for fun taking matters out of VARs hands and finish the season with a run of 19 back to back victories and No7
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #134
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    You almost sound a little worried?

  5. #135
    The hope is that the champions league is something different. 2 legs and different mind set.
    Hopefully the players see it like that.

    Some players now need to show leadership.

    Salah Mane Robertson Gini Thiago Bobby.

    All masses of experience in Europe and world football.

    I cant see anyone apart Bayern.
    They are peaking. Season 2 of the 4 year cycle.

    Pity we dont have supporters that can make such as difference. All is possible.

    But I doubt if we get through that we wont go any further than 1/4s.

    I felt more confident 3-0 down v Barcelona.
    The team then was at its peak.

    Tonight was so good to watch two open teams playing football.

    Leeds v Southampton.

    Liverpool games are so frustrating when teams just park the bus. And liverpool pass from side to side because there is literally no space to slice into.

  6. #136
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    The hope is that the champions league is something different. 2 legs and different mind set.
    Hopefully the players see it like that.

    Some players now need to show leadership.

    Salah Mane Robertson Gini Thiago Bobby.

    All masses of experience in Europe and world football.

    I cant see anyone apart Bayern.
    They are peaking. Season 2 of the 4 year cycle.

    Pity we dont have supporters that can make such as difference. All is possible.

    But I doubt if we get through that we wont go any further than 1/4s.

    I felt more confident 3-0 down v Barcelona.
    The team then was at its peak.

    Tonight was so good to watch two open teams playing football.

    Leeds v Southampton.

    Liverpool games are so frustrating when teams just park the bus. And liverpool pass from side to side because there is literally no space to slice into.
    We didn't have any problems last season or the season before, the difference is we have been trying to pass through this season rather than creating overloads by condensing the play and players into an area, usually our right, before switching right to left to find Mane and Robbo and Bobby or a midfielder in more time and space on our left, with good options to release any of the 3 wide or through the channel and to cross, put low balls or through balls in to players coming in from the right That is the fundamental difference between our beating PTB teams the last 2 seasons and struggling with them this

    We never had the midfielders to pick the lock, so we used to smash the door down with a sledge hammer, we still don't have the midfielders to pick the lock, so I have absolutely no idea why we started trying to do that instead of what worked
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #137
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    So your tactic is to keep on with the same tactic that stopped working a year ago?

    It broke down mainly due to the natural ageing process accelerated by fatigue/burn out all compounded by asking too much of too few.

    At some point you have to accept that the human body and mind are both fallible - they weaken over time.

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Even this prized plum called it a year back.

    And yes Klopp has to shoulder some of the blame, but we know the style of play... and it required surgery in summer 2019 to avoid that crash by the following February!

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Diogo Jota moment changed Liverpool's season and forward now under pressure to save it

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    So your tactic is to keep on with the same tactic that stopped working a year ago?

    It broke down mainly due to the natural ageing process accelerated by fatigue/burn out all compounded by asking too much of too few.

    At some point you have to accept that the human body and mind are both fallible - they weaken over time.
    Jesus wept man, go and look at the youtube of all our Premier League goals of last season and from the start of this stopped working a year ago fucking hell, at least have something to back your statements up with, there is no evidence from any of last season's highlights or from the start of this season that how we played and broke teams down stopped working at all, all the actual evidence of the goals we've scored and even the ones during this lean spell have come through doing the things we are best at

    I take issue with the know nothings that talk about burn out and fatigue, they are entirely bereft of any reasoned logical thinking

    Let's have a look at the obvious logistical aspect of how we played

    Play condensed in the opposition half most of most games - Shorter runs, less long sprints, amazing energy saving of a fluid midfield 3 in the amount of running and sprints each player has to do

    You tell me Steveo, what other way of playing, conserves energy and reduces fatigue better than this? It's something of a rhetorical question, because anyone reading it, with even the most basic processes of logical reasoning can very easily understand how we played actually counters fatigue and saves players legs, exactly the opposite to what all the numpties say, because they are entirely unable to understand and comprehend simply basic logistics

    Playing most of all games almost exclusively in one half of the pitch making shorter runs, the midfield 3 being fluid and assuming each others positions and covering them, so a player who has gone on a high press doesn't have to make a 20-30 yard sprint back after a player released behind him as he would if playing a fixed position (see Hendo's hamstring injury v Atletico when we changed that and Fab not covering behind him as any of the 3 did in his absence). The forwards being able to stay high, making mostly 10-15 yard sprints and not having to make the sort of full length of the pitch sprints back to defend they have been having to do in our recent games. The full backs supported to play higher, again not having to run and sprint as far as frequently in both directions - STEVEO - how we played are all things that dramatically reduce fatigue, how we're playing now dramatically increases it - SURELY, for the love of God you can see that?

    The evidence of this season from the start until we changed is very clear, what we were doing and had been doing worked, still worked and the results clearly showed that, changing to try and play through teams didn't work, if you think I'm wrong, show me 2 or 3 goals where we played through teams, I won't hold my breath because there aren't any.

    Because you stop doing something that all the evidence shows was still working isn't it stopping working, it's you stopping doing it and THAT is the truth of what has happened, the performances and results clearly show that, the amount of longer sprints our players are having to do which are infinitely more fatiguing show that

    Let's talk about Jota's headed goal assisted by Mane, maybe go and look at the youtube of it, in that game we absolutely stank the place our, we created virtually nothing, and we weren't playing as we had been playing. For whatever reason, personally I have no idea whatsoever what the thinknig behind it was or why it was deemed necessary, when Jurgen played Jota at No9, rather than Mane and Mo keep the width and make their runs in behind and be a foil for Robbo and Trent, they had very clearly been asked to not do that and make different runs and play narrower. This was the start of the forward/full backs automation and relationships that were one of our greatest strengths breaking down and becoming ineffective, NOT through playing the same, but through playing differently, with no good reason, we hadn't encountered any problems with scoring goals prior to that

    All game in that match thread I was moaning Mane was not making his usual runs or in his usual positions and when Robbo got possession in advanced positions he had no-one to link with. For Jota's goal, contrary to how he had been asked to play and where he had been asked to play, having not done that the entire game, Mane assumed his usual position and started to make his usual runs in a 5 minute period, and hey presto, Mr Ben style, he was released in space, I think by Robbo, in was of the only instances that entire game he was where Robbo would usually find him, and crossed for Jota to score

    Stopped working

    look at our 3 or 4 best chances in this lean spell, all missed somewhat inexplicably, ooh all except one, that one being Mane being released with a ball down the line to tee Mo up, all of them, from balls played forward early, from Hendo at CB one for Mane, 3 for Mo, to released them behind a defence on the edge of their own area
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”



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